[center] [img=http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss87/beloved_darling/For%20RPs/650821.jpg] MITSURU SOHMA 37 years old Rabbit of the zodiac Mitsuru is the husband of Seijuro and the adoptive father of Adeku. When he was younger he used to be depressed because of his curse and was desperate to find something about him that wasn't horrible. Eventually, he and the only other zodiac member at the time began to rely on each other. Mitsuru started to trust Seijuro and his trust eventually blossomed into love. They were married in their early twenties and finally Mitsuru was happy. When Seijuro's sister didn't want her son because he was cursed, he and his husband jumped at the chance to adopt him. As time passed, he started to develop a more down to earth personality. He makes sure to keep Seijuro in line, especially when he shows off Adeku's pictures to everybody. They live seven houses away from Daisuke and stay at his house whenever Seijuro forgets to pay the electricity bill. When they are at his house, they cook for him and the rest of the family members who happen to be there that day. [/center]