Naomi had eventually fallen asleep still in her sitting position her long dress and undergarments somehow making for a warm and comfortable sleep. While she'd slept.... or was it meditated she'd experienced odd visions. In these visions she was visited by her former teacher, Jackie Chan, and Jett Lee; all of them dressed in monk's robes but each of them had spoken to her of how she possessed knowledge and philosophy which might prove useful to the people of this world. She for her part had thought it all so odd and like she'd hallucinated to make up for the lack of a tv or her smartphone. When she woke she felt refreshed and ready to run a marathon and none of the stiffness she'd expected because of her sleeping position and while the food smelled wonderful she didn't feel as hungry as she'd have thought she might considering it had been so long since her last real meal. She ate a small breakfast in silence and when she was finished she stepped outside remembering she needed to exercise. She stepped out into the open ground and smoothly entered the first form of her Tai Chi forms which she used as her morning stretching routine. This morning she felt different as she performed the art. As she moved from one form to the next Naomi she felt her inner power grow, felt her muscles contract and expand, her senses focused internally correcting her chi points as she balanced the yin and yang of her being...she felt as if she were in heaven.