Tawny's eyes fluttered open, the previous day's events fresh in her mind. Sitting up to find herself in the last place she remembered, she took it as a confirmation that none of it was a dream. Even Ash was still beside her, and she stroked the canine's fur before getting to her feet and leaving the room. She seemed to have been the last one to rise, for the other two girls were already outside, and the boys were up and about as well. Her eyes widened slightly at the food on the table. Had Donny made them breakfast as well? How sweet. "Good morning," she muttered, taking a seat near the food. That was when she noticed the wooden crate beside her, and curiously reached inside to pick at the equipment it was filled with. "How did you get all these?" She then suddenly pulled back, letting out a short hiss in pain as her hand ran over a very sharp tip. She reached in again, this time more carefully, and fished out the item that had cut her - a spear with a blade of an interesting shape. Something soft brushed against her leg while she had been admiring the weapon, and she glanced down to see that Ash had come out to find her. Smiling, she reached down to give the wolf another pat. [@Lucius Cypher]