[color=firebrick]"Bandits. Wayward might not be on the map but we still get harassed by brigands and low lives trying to make an easy score. Fortunately, we have a bit of a militia, so they don't get off easy. I took these off their bodies, cleaned them up a bit. They're not great, but they're better then nothing."[/color] Donny yawned and took a bite out of a sausage. He grabbed a few links and tossed them to Ash to eat too. Normally he didn't abide by wolves (Whatever majestically they had is lost when you get attacked by a pack weekly), but Tawny's wolf seems calm enough. Though Donny wondered if it was legitimately tamed, or simply under some sort of spell to keep it docile. [color=firebrick]"Anyways.... Sorry if this seems like a rush, but after you'r done eating and gearing up, we need to go. In good weather and with no trouble we should get to the city sometime tomorrow night, maybe tomorrow morning if we don't take breaks. That being said though.... The roads have been dangerous, more so with the war going on. Bandits and wolves aren't the only thing I'm worried about: some of the other folks have seen military patrols around the area. Not good. They might accost us for supplies or worse."[/color] Donny went into his room to put on his own travel gear. It wasn't as heavy and protective as his hunting leathers, but it was sturdy enough to survive the rigors of travel, and possibly combat. He also grabbed a new shield from the crate. [color=firebrick]"Meet me by the wagon when you're ready. Oh. And if you want to wash up or something, there's a creek out in the back. Feel free to use any of the cloths to dry yourself."[/color]