Following from Donny's advice Lance hastily finished his breakfast. Upon doing so he once again staggered sleepily up to his feet before wondering back over to the equipment crate and table, setting his plate down. [color=0072bc]"Morning."[/color] he grumbled out to Tawny as he tried to force a smile his head still pounding. [color=0072bc]"Lets take a look here..."[/color] He says as he peers into the crate, hoping something would strike his interest. [color=0072bc]"Ah..."[/color] Seeing something he carefully navigates one hand to a swords grip, before freeing it from the crate. Once free enough he grabbed the larger grip with his second hand before bringing the long sword to rest tip against the ground. [color=0072bc]"More interesting then yesterdays, I think this'll suffice."[/color] He glanced over to the spear Tawny had picked out. [color=0072bc]"Interesting choice."[/color] [@Raptra]