Orren let out a startled yelp as the fairy began to do some kind of magic thing that he couldn't describe. It was like Talgan psychics, but a lot showy-er, and with a different result. The startled man fell backwards off his stool and landed his butt on the ground. He watched, wide eyed, as the fairy grew. Then, it once again challenged him. His pointed ears shifted back in irritation, his dignity being up for grabs. He wasn't going to let this pink fleshed roach creature wave it's sparkles in his face and get away with it! He completely disregarded the warnings of the younger man who had approached him. The fancy insect didn't look that tough. The Talgan let out a growl that sounded almost canine, his fangs showing once again. His head tilted down, pointing his small horns towards the fairy as a threat. If he'd had a more notable rack, it may have actually been threatening. Orren shifted to pull his legs under him, then pounced up like a scaly cat. His claws outstretched as he went for a tackle, common sense left on the floor behind him. The bartender began to make his way around the bar to break up the fight, although notably hesitant. Who should he pull off who? The magic wielding fairy or the guy with claws? By now the more drunken patrons were onlooking and cheering them to fight. Those who still had a lick of sense were getting up to leave.