[color=firebrick]”Trying!”[/color] Donny shouted as he was trying to steer his horse back towards the others as well as calming her down. However she used to be a war horse, so loud noises and hostile feelings made her go nuts. When Donny finally managed to get her in the direction of the others he tried to stop her but she resisted him. Right up until Tawny stood in the marr’s path. [color=firebrick]”Shit! Move! Whoa!”[/color] Donny was flung off his wagon and into the dirt as his horse stopped right in front of Tawny. She still seemed panicky and for a moment Donny was worried that his horse was going to attack Tawny, but instead she just flared her nostrils and looked at the girl. Donny got to his feet and watched, ready in case something bad happens.