Lance finished up strapping the second leather leg guard steering clear of the commotion being cause by Odum. A rather large over reaction by most merit. Through what seemed like sheer luck he had managed to avoid being on horses ill controlled path following its reaction to Odum's gunshots. However it had seemed that Tawny had once again turned around the mind of yet another animal. It almost seemed like any animal she was coming into contact with was having a complete personality switch. [color=0072bc]"Fair enough, it's probably best I wait here. No point in potentially aggravating the matter further."[/color] He glances over to Luca's. [color=0072bc]"That goes for you too. There'll be a time and place for apologies sincere or not and it isn't now."[/color] Lance finishes up before carefully sliding the helm on over his head. Snug fit was probably not the best word to describe the just barely protective head piece. He slides the sword onto the wagon before hauling himself up and taking a seat as he lets out a sigh. [@Raptra][@Azure Flame]