Tawny's eyes shifted to look at Reina, who came up beside her as she was walking off. Apparently, she had somehow missed the entire incident. "Would you believe Odum lost it and stomped off like a little kid after an exchange with Lucas?" Tawny began as she continued on, assuming Reina was the only one coming with her. "I'm going to get him so we can leave. Lucas has become surprisingly aggressive for some reason, and Odum even more so than usual. It's strange." Odum was easy to track, considering the fresh animal blood left on the floor. However, no carcasses were to be seen, which was rather confusing. It took some time before voices could faintly be heard coming from a distance, and Ash suddenly broke into a run and darted ahead of them. "Ash!" She hissed at the wolf, quickening her pace as well. They eventually arrived at where Ash had stopped, finding Odum and a white-haired stranger. Tawny did not think much about the woman, for their intention was to get back as soon as they could. "Odum! There you are. What do you think you're doing? We need to leave, now." [@Azure Sea] [@Zaphander] [@Typhon]