[color=0072bc]"Almost is better then someone actually pulling a gun on you. Besides which Odum's always an ass, that's not going to change. I just thought you might simply want to make it less easy for him to want to pull the gun on you in the future."[/color] Lance shrugged at his own comment, it wasn't like the matter could be forced. [color=0072bc]"One day him pulling the trigger could be what keeps you alive. Plus right now we need the numbers, if he's going to shoot you I'd rather he do it later rather than sooner."[/color] He then glances over to Donny from his elevated position on the wagon. [color=0072bc]"I'd imagine that answers your question. Normally everyone just ignores his rants. But ignorance can't always be bliss, unless of course you don't care too much."[/color] Lance finishes as he stretches his arms above his head before folding them over his chest and stretching his legs out. Whilst he had the whole wagon to himself he'd make the most of the available space. [@Lucius Cypher][@Azure Flame]