The second the summons hits her hands, Lilianna lost it. Giving it a quick glance over and cursing at everything and everyone, she shredded it to pieces as she stormed through the perimeter of the quarantine and shrugged out of the robes and started strapping on her armor. She strapped her dawn blade into place, double checked her medical kit was topped off, and leapt onto a horse after giving the soldiers protecting the area strict instructions no one enters the village without her permission. She took off quickly. Lilianna grumbled for the entire ride. Getting exclusive access to the quarantined area cost her precious months of time, putting her behind schedule on research designed to advance their understanding of Blight mutations. She really wanted to advance their knowledge to a point that would allow them to predict which mutations an individual suffering would undergo but that was ambitious at best. The amount of politics and soirees she’d attended to secure the resource put the high houses to shame. In fact, she’d returned home for a crash course in social niceties and ignored the disappointed look her mother fixed her with when the family found out it was for research purposes and not finding a husband. And even then, she’d almost smote a council woman who derived pleasure from nothing but Lilianna’s personal suffering. It had taken most of that time pandering to the woman to avoid losing the spot to a colleague who couldn’t be trusted to handle a puppy, much less advanced Blight. And now Ardur, armed with the Council’s approval, called her away. [color=f7976a]“You’d better be dying Ardur.”[/color] She growled under her breath. [color=f7976a]“Or I will make sure you are.”[/color] Trees rose quickly over the horizon after a few hours and she slowed as the ground shook and a horrifying roar echoed past the trees. Her horse whimper and neighed so she slipped off, tying him to a tree and ran through the woods. She drew her sword, the light radiating from the blade a familiar comfort. Her jaw dropped. A metal colossus charged the Inquisitor’s line. [color=f7976a]“What in the endless hells have you dragged me into Ardur?!”[/color] She shouted as sheathed her weapon and started passing a length of rope between two trees. Priority one, create a clearly marked space for the injured.