[Centre][h1][colour=seagreen]Johnny Baxter[/colour][/h1] [img]https://media.gq.com/photos/5952a4ca6f084834b487e1ff/master/pass/paul-dano-okja-gq.jpg[/img][/centre] [hr] Johnny made up his mind that, if he really was going to pull through and attend the party, he would get dressed up. That being said, he was far too lazy to actually get a different outfit, instead opting to take of his tie and undo the top two buttons of his shirt. He hid the tie and his camera in the base of a tree near the lake. He had put in a strongbox in the tree a few years ago, so he could hide his stuff when necessary. The box held all his memories for him, so they could stay fresh for longer. So he could make the past better, and deny himself the worst part of his formative years. His reverie was disturbed by the sound of a car horn. Must be his ride. He quickly buried the box, and hurried over to Sammi's car. He peered down at her phone through the window, briefly, secretly amused at being called a surprise. It was rare that he frequented this kind of event, so maybe surprise was the best word. He knocked his knuckles against the glass, signalling for her to open the door. [b][colour=seagreen]"Good evening."[/colour][/b] He said, climbing into the passenger seat. [b][colour=seagreen]"Let's see what you have in store for me, then."[/colour][/b] He was never a fan of surprises, and his voice was laced with sarcasm. He cautiously took her phone, listening to her offer. As soon as his finger hit the play button, it seemed that she was off in her own world. He desperately tried to suppress a smile, resorting to cover his mouth with his hand. That song itself wasn't too bad. When she asked him what he thought, he could help himself from chuckling a little. [b][colour=seagreen]"Hmm, I don't really know. Maybe I was distracted by the one-woman concert beside me. You could have told me this ride came with a free show, I would have brought popcorn."[/colour][/b] He took a moment to regain his composure, removing his hand, taking a breath. [b][colour=seagreen]"In all seriousness, it wasn't bad. I mean, some of the choruses were awkward as hell, but it wasn't egregious torture. And, I know we've probably been through this, but you still have a great voice. I think I've told you that before, though."[/colour][/b] He let a silence fall, unaware of how to continue the conversation. No matter who he was talking to, it seemed that he really didn't know any social cues. Maybe he should do the popular thing: get blackout drunk and learn social cues from that. But he needed to make an effort while he was still sober. His mind was racing, coming up with things to say: [i]Comment on the trip tomorrow; talk about graduation; complain about parties; tell her she looks nice (no, don't do that, you'll only end up looking like a-[/i] [b][colour=seagreen]"You look pretty tonight, by the way. I really should film you sometime."[/colour][/b] [i]IDIOT![/i] He began silently cursing himself. He probably sounded like a creeper, or some lonely nerd. Or maybe he sounded insincere. He quickly apologised without skipping a beat. [b][colour=seagreen]"Oh, god, did that sound weird? That sounded really weird, didn't it? So sorry."[/colour][/b] Nope, that just made it worse. He quickly shut up, afraid that he now looked like an idiot to one of the few people he liked. He looked out the window, his eyes glued to the sky, his face turning red. As soon as they arrived at Avery's house, he practically leapt out the car door, determined to atone for being an imbecile. He walked quickly around the car, opening Sammi's door for her. [b][colour=seagreen]"I take it you'll have fun without me. I'm not good at parties."[/colour][/b] He began to stalk off into the garden, turning around suddenly to add [b][colour=seagreen]"I can walk home tonight, if it's convenient. Tell me later. I'll be seeing you!"[/colour][/b] He moved swiftly into the garden, sitting on the porch. Technically, he was now attending a party, but that didn't mean he had to actually do any partying. Damn, say what you want about Avery Henderson, but his porch was comfortable.