Both nations of the Yahupi and the Federation expand again. The Federation has cut off the Yahupi from expanding north, the Federation lays claim to many resource rich areas and they begin exploiting these resources for the war effort in the south. They cut down some forest to aid their war effort, but not much. However in these new territories they discover strange, blue stones in the caves in the area. These stones are taken off to other areas for research, they seem to be magical in origin. This will prove to be an interesting find, one that might be able to be used against the Yahupi Confederacy... The Yahupi expand full force to the south and enslave the various small tribes there. Not much of a problem to do so as those tribes were unorganized and rather unprepared. A military presence there is swiftly established. The Yahupi aren't much of miners, but they sure are loggers and they cut down massive ranges of forest for lumber to support their building plans and their war effort. Because of this, they are rather unaware of what may be underneath the surface that could be of aid to them. [img][/img]