Once everyone had gathered, the trip to the village was short and uneventful. The roads were bumpy since it was just a dirt path and aside from one or two wolves watching them, nothing came by to attack the group. They would travel for about an hour before they reached the village, which was a collection of stone and wooden huts, with a few young men armed with leather armor, spears, and swords on their belts patrolling the area. They didn't pay Donny any mind and he didn't bother them; they were just the village militia. The village was already busy with their own work turning crops into produce, with many women gathered around a large home weaving and looming cloth out of various fibers, more young men hauling wood or baskets of rocks into workshops, and children running about tending to animals or playing games. A few stared at the strange group of travelers but none approached. At least none until an old man, who was hobbling and walking with a cane, approached Donny. "Well hello there son. That's not the usual goods you bring to the village. Friends of yours?" [color=firebrick]"Elder Namara. These strangers saved my life when I was in the forest, near the Traveler's Shrine. They seem lost and uncertain about where they are, so in thanks I'm going to take them to the city. I'd appreciate it if I could gather some supplies for the journey ahead. not only that, but there's some other matters I need to discuss with you..."[/color] Donny and the elder spoke for some time before parting ways. Donny turned to the others, handing them a single bag containing a mixture of silver and copper coins. [color=firebrick]"Welcome to Wayward. It's a small village but I'd like to think that we do well for ourselves here. I need to do some trading so I'll be off for a while. This is just some spending money if there's anything in particular you want in here. Please don't cause any trouble and don't steal from anyone. While I have most of the essentials already, anything in particular you want, clothes, knick knacks, snacks, feel free to buy. This is just some money the elder owed me, so I came to collect."[/color] Donny hopped off the wagon and followed after the Eldar to get the rest of the things they'll need for the trip.