Andreios stared at the woman with his icy blue eyes narrowed. He was frowning and was clearly discomforted by this whole ordeal. It wasnt her place to order him around... nor was it her place to tell him to save Ava. Did she not know or understand his position? If he attepmted to remind Ava, she would be likely killed or worse. And he... would not be killed. He was an investment beyond what most slaves were. It would be easier to simply accept the world as is. If he had the ability to save Ava, he was sure they wouldnt be in this situation. His master long dead and he a free man. But no. He was reduced back to his birth status, held on to by an invisible chain. He wasn't any sort of hero that was required to aid Ave. He was a slave, with dirty hands and stained with blood. The tall man looked away and made his way to the front door. He would wait and guard from the outside as many guards do from what he gathered. He walked out briskly with a scowl and stopped at the door, "I will be just outside. Call if there is trouble " his hoarsed voice was low barely over a whisper. Then he exited.