Maruki, as always, was trying to be overly friendly and polite. Shisen and her dog on the other hand, were being quite a pair of sassy bitches. She may not have thought she was being loud when she insulted Kino. To the trained ears of a Jounin, however, the words may as well have been spoken plain as day. That was more than enough to warrant him finally saying something. Though not as fast as some Jounin who focused more strongly on Kenjutsu, Kirugetsu's draw speed was still far quicker than the reaction time of these Genin. The blade swished through the air, taking a few of Shishen's hairs with it before stopping a couple centimeters from the Niken's skull. [B]"I understand you might be trying to impress me or something by acting like a stone-cold badass or something... but if you and the furball don't cut the shit and behave like civilized beings, I will be forced to take corrective measures."[/B] A flick and spin of his wrist, and the blade was sheathed once more. [B]"He pisses ME off as well, Shisen... what with copying me like that. But you need to be more mature about it. You're not some punk, you're a damn ninja."[/B] Kirugetsu then turned to Maruki and answered his request for Kino to do him a favor. [B]"You know where the Nara hang out. Go get a paper or two for yourself. After getting fixed up and having lunch, of course."[/B] his actions likely left Maruki and Shisen in a bit of shock and Arashi in a bit of an angry fit, the look on the Hozuki's face seemed to invite either of them to retaliate. After the briefest moment of glaring, he turned and walked into the hospital and left the group to choke down what had happened. It only took a few minutes of general examination and treatment before Kirugetsu was released and feeling back to full strength, as he wasn't badly injured in the first place. However, the two Genin would likely take longer. To pass the time, he read a couple articles in a magazine from two months back. That got old fast and he put the book back down on the table and decided to start hitting on one of the nurses. [B]"Hey, babe. Want to help me restore the Hozuki clan?"[/B] was one of the various lines he liked to use. They always failed, but it helped him feel a sort of normalcy in his now dismal life. He wasn't really that kind of guy... hell, he wasn't even that mean guy that his students probably thought he was. But he was having trouble dealing with the stresses in his life. He was a war hero, a celebrity, a sensei... and one of the last Hozuki he knew of. What would happen if and when he died? [B]"Fuck my life, this sucks..."[/B]