“Oho? That’s a Fine needle too! Not often I see anyone who can afford something so small yet so strong. Most settle for cheaper, more easily replaceable bone or wood.” Enta seemed equally interested in both Naomi’s textiles and equipment. Notably the thread; dyes were rare where she came from and she just happened to have a few small spools. The school she mentioned was also strange as Enta has never heard of it before. “Something tells me you’re not just a traveling tailor however. I can tell from looking at you, there’s much more then meets the eye! Not often I find highly skilled women in this world.” Enta pulled a chair next to Naomi and took out her own sewing kit, though it lacked the same level of intricacy as Naomi. Most of the thred was pale grey or a touch brown, however the needles were just as good if not better then Naomi’s own. Strong enough to puncture through leather and hide even. “I normally work leather instead of thread but knowing how to do both is essential to making something strong and sturdy. Now what did you mention before about that stitching? I’m sure I speak for all of us when I ask if you could show us how it’s done.” [@RumikoOhara]