Donny stopped them at a little village, and Tawny nodded in acknowledgement at the elderly man who came up to greet them. While a couple of her companions stepped off to explore the place, Lance got her attention with a tap on her shoulder, suggesting that they do so as well. She could only guess from that gesture that he was inviting her to go with him, but it did not matter, for she would be glad to keep his company regardless. Pocketing a handful of coins herself, she left the wagon with Lance and Ash. Many continued to keep their distances from them as they walked through the village, and Tawny understood why as she became aware of how they must have looked like to the locals. The fact that she had a traditionally ferocious animal at her heel was probably intimidating enough, with her spear and Lance's sword making it all the more so. It was not like she actually knew how to use the weapon slung over her back, or did she? It might be possible that she had not yet explored the entire set of her newfound abilities. [@akirashadow]