[@Zaphander] Naomi laughed softly disarming most people around her before she began explaining six new types of stitches meant to make the edges hold their form without bunching, layer in a seam for pants so that they don’t bust as a man or woman moves in them, and so on. She even allows the women to examine her odd assortment of needles explaining their functions and even displaying a small master piece of needlepoint she is working on using threads that catch the light and cast it back. (The Art is the Hufflepuff Shield) [color=E1984E]I love sewing while I read or do research if I am not writing; I am well known for my need to keep notes. My family life afforded me the ability and access to pursue anything I was interested in because my dad is a well known composer back home even performing two of his works as Crown Command Performances. I am 17 years old and was emancipated by my father when I was 15 years old because he wanted me to have the chance to steer my life in a way he was never able to. I was free to live where I wanted, attend whatever school or course I wanted to….to be a fool if I wanted[/color] The blonde looks the gathered women over smiling in mock innosense laughing silently before saying in an Oh so proper and posh tone [color=E1984E]But of course I was a sober and practical girl so father never worried[/color]