[center][IMG]https://media.giphy.com/media/mLDNyN6T49COQ/giphy.gif[/IMG] [IMG]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180305/1f3a03a35f15f58977b89d22d5d0aeba.png[/IMG][/center][hr] Finishing his beer with one last swig Nathan threw his empty bottle in one of the bins that Avery had put out for trash. Say what you will about Avery but the kid knew how to throw a party, with a glance around Nathan bopped his head along to the beat of the music. The patio had turned in to a makeshift dance floor with groups of friends standing and dancing together, Nathan smiled and wondered when his dance crew would show up. He decided he wanted another beer and walked in to the kitchen to grab another one, when he got inside he saw that a few of his classmates had arrived. He made the rounds saying hello and talking to some of the new people that had joined the party meanwhile looking around for his friends, no luck in that department yet though. He had hoped that at least Sam would have joined him by now. After dodging a third conversation about where he was going to college Nathan decided to head outside to the patio again. He leaned on the railing and looked out over the backyard, was leaving really the best choice for him? He could feel the doubtful thoughts eating away at him again, could he really leave his sister her alone with their spacey dad that sometimes forgot to put on a shirt under his jacket before he left for work? Nathan sighed and shook his head in a futile attempt to clear it. Yes... he had to leave! If worst comes to worst Addison could just go back to live with their grandparents. He nodded to himself hoping his sister felt the same way, then again she didn't know that he wouldn't be returning at the end of the summer. After some brooding time he decided to sit back down at the couch where he was surprisingly enough alone since the rest of the party was busy dancing or playing games. Just when he was about to try and call Sam his phone buzzed, it was a new text [quote=Sam 2][color=crimson]Omw to the party, loves, and bringing a surprise with me! See u guys in a bit![/color][/quote] Nathan smiled and let out a relieved breath, finally he wouldn't feel so alone at this party, but what kind of surprise could Sammi have cooked up now? He quickly sent his reply which consisted of a thumbs up and a poop emoji. After a few minutes he herd the familiar voice of one third of the trifecta [color=crimson]“Nate!”[/color] Sammi squealed as she approached him at an alarming speed, Nathan braced himself for impact but she merely jumped in to the seat next to him before embracing him in one of her signature hugs. [color=crimson]“What’s up, love? Anything interesting going on?”[/color] she said as she swung her legs up on the couch to rest them on his legs. [color=BF5B22]“Oh you mean in the...”[/color] He checked his watch [color=BF5B22]“4 hours since we last saw each other?”[/color] Nathan smiled [color=BF5B22]“Nah you know dinner with the grandparents, the crippling disappointment in my father just getting worse.” [/color]he continued and let out a laugh to let Sammi know that he was mostly joking. [color=BF5B22]“What about you Sammay? How was dinner with Eleanor?” [/color]Nathan asked while ha was tapping his hands on Sammi's legs to the beat of the new song that just came on.