[center][hr][hr][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjU0LmVkMWRhNy5WbUZzWlc1MGFXNXZJRkp2YldGeWJ5QSwuMAAA/jmh-laudanum.ca.png[/img][hr][hr] [hider=Interactions][[@KazAlkemi][/hider] The door opened behind him and it might have startled him in another life, one where he couldn't hear footsteps approaching from a mile away. The smell was feral, it was [i]canine[/i]. The musk of a wild dog, a scent that would be imposing to other [i]canines[/i] but had little effect on the vampire. He had imagined his roommate being another vampire, that was highly wishful thinking though. Of course they'd choose to room him with a werewolf. They probably wanted to teach him some valuable lesson in befriending werewolves. [i]Great.[/i] He turned to face his new roommate. He kept his mouth shut as his gaze scanned over the other boy carefully. He was relatively the same height as Valentino but he was built like a powerhouse. He looked as if he'd spent a good portion of his teenage years hitting the local gyms. He had long dark hair that framed an interesting face and eyes that seemed dark from a distance. If ever he had seen a boy that looked like a werewolf, it was this one. Under normal circumstances, he would have found the boy attractive. It was hard to focus on that when all he could smell was the feral scent wafting off of him. He [i]hated[/i] that, not that he expected this boy was looking at him in [i]that[/i] way. He just liked to have the option of admiring the beautiful, they could be like [i]art[/i] in their own way. Living exhibits, inhabited by beautiful scenery. Valentino sighed through his nose, suspecting that this would be the first of many times that a pretty face was spoiled by the smell of [i]dog[/i]. "[color=ec008c][i]Ciao, lupo.[/i][/color]" his accent was thick and Italian, strangely fitting somehow. "[color=ec008c]I'm Valentino, feel free to refer to me as any variation of that.[/color]" He made a vague twirling motion with his hand before returning to unpacking his bag, no longer interested in looking at the wolf. "[color=ec008c]What might I call you? We need to set down some room guidelines, I'm not so into. . . [i]sharing my space[/i] with someone. I'd prefer if we each kept in our respective areas, just so nobody ends up annoyed.[/color]" [/center]