[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24]Update[/color][/i][/b][/h1][/center][hr][hr] Please remember to update your locations in your header with roads and such. (I will update general maps when you all are done and off your current one. Let me know when you are at the edge!) [hider=Attack on Eden] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/hwAKen/Edenupclose.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] [hr][hr][center][h1][i][b][color=Silver]Eden[/color][/b][/i][/h1][img]https://image.ibb.co/eBiCJS/toodles.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=white]Location:[/color][/b] Eden: [color=0072bc]22[/color], [color=598527]Tank on Right Fork Of Road Between 21 and 22[/color], [color=f26522]Behind the Tank[/color] [b][color=white]Skills:[/color][/b] [color=0072bc]Survival[/color], [color=598527]Tank Operations, Land Navigation[/color], [color=f26522]Hunting, Rifle, Sniper Rifle[/color][/center][hr] Lola was having a Aces of a good time right then. It wasn't every day she got to get her tank all dolled up and take it somewhere fun. Sure, it was on the road every day but today was special. Today they actually got to fire the grand cannon. That made things really damn fun. Hell it was going to be one of the last times someone would probably every hear or see a tank being fired. For some of these fuckers it would be the last thing they ever saw. Shit, it wasn't a bad way to go out. [color=598527]"Fuck yeah, think Navy will make it. Wouldn't be surprised if Mugs did as well,"[/color] she commented in passed as they came to a fork in the road. She had no doubt that Thalia was going to make it, but she wasn't going lay odds on it. That was just damn stupid. Like getting a tattoo of your boyfriends name on your ass. You did that shit, you knew sure as fuckers flew that that asshat would do something the next day that would make you dump his sorry bum. Gavin wasn't going to lay odds either but then again he didn't know that anyone was having a discussion about who would survive and who wouldn't right then. Right then his mind was one two things and two things only. One was taking care of this shit and the other was locating his sweet Strawberry Wine. First thing was first though. He was getting tired of hearing the clink and clank of bullets against the side of the tank he was walking behind. It was time to take some of these fuckers out. Didn't matter if in the grand scheme of things if they were innocent or not. He would adopt the Marine code - kill them all and let Jesus sort them out. He normally wasn't like that but this was a dark moment and he wasn't seeing the light right then. Thana knelt down low, she still wasn't seeing Alex or Thalia but they had to be coming up soon. If they weren't she would have to get a move on and quickly but she had a few more moments. At least one more that was since all the people coming out of Eden seemed to be heading Northwest out of the back end of the building. That was were the explosion came from and Thana could only assume that it was Lola and Gavin and Beatrice. Pulling out her pistol she kept it ready though, she could have taken out one or two probably from where she was but she didn't want the entire crowd suddenly coming at her. She did want to survive this. [color=598527]"Alright girl, hold fire, see a building. That should be it. Let's get closer before we knock,"[/color] she laughed slightly. She didn't worry about the fuckers wasting bullets on them. And it was a good thing she didn't. It seemed that Gavin that had covered as when she looked through her visor she spotted one drop and then another and then another. Each one about three seconds after the one before it. Seemed the man was sticking with his sniper rifle, which was slower to pop off rounds but damn, the accuracy was sweet in her mind as she watched blood trickling from between the eyes of one of them. [color=598527]"Speed Bump!"[/color] she laughed as she rolled over one. Thana slowly took a few steps forward and pushed the brush aside to get a better vantage point. She could almost see where the tank was now but as she turned her head she could see the main Eden Building. Taking a deep breath she had to make a choice. Hold, move towards the tank, or go it alone in the Eden building itself. After a moment she made her choice. It was time to move. In three... Two... One...