[center][h1][color=f49ac2]Jasmine Lockwood[/color][/h1][/center] [hider=My Hider] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/7a/ea/49/7aea49979d724bfa6273ac171870ec.jpg[/img] [/center] [/hider] [@MarshiestMallow] Jasmine wasn't sure what was worse, the sensation of having motion sickness or the confusion which surrounded [i]having motion sickness[/i]. She had practically lived on a merchant cart her entire life, so this sudden onset of motion sickness was confounding to say the least. Even on their way from Crocus to Magnolia after the Games had finished, she hadn't shown signs of motion sickness at all. Maybe her body was having weird reactions from suddenly gaining magic? She wouldn't know, too many differing factors. All that was important was that she felt ill at this current stage, so she allowed Penny to move beside her. Not that she could've stopped her, ill or not. Nodding softly as Jasmine took her hand in her own, the younger mage soon felt yet another new sensation wash over her as Penny sung. This was different to the first two however, closer to the first one rather than the second. Where-as that sensation was closer to the warmth of a mothers hug this one was more that of some homemade chicken soup she used to be given when she got sick as a kid. It was warm, comforting and relaxing all at the same time. Both this new sensation and Penny's voice carried the same warmth to it, Jasmine closing her eyes as she felt the magic begun to do it's work. Her color soon returned to her cheeks, though she still seemed to be a tad on the pale side, as the song came to a close she opened her eyes. [color=f49ac2]"Thank you..."[/color] Mumbling her thanks after Penny had finished her song, Jasmine sat up a little straighter in her seat. She felt a lot better thanks to Penny's magic. Her stomach didn't feel entirely settled just yet, but it was certainly calming down. And she felt a lot calmer now as well, her nerves and anxiety fading away with the song. But also with that, she felt like something felt...well, different. Obviously something was, so she put the thought down to her magic and tucked it away for now. [color=f49ac2]"That was...lovely. A lovely song indeed!"[/color] Jasmine, with a beaming smile, clasped her other hand around Penny's. Her eyes sparkled quite spectacularly, like something out of an anime or cartoon as excitement seemed to be burst out of her every pore. [color=f49ac2]"Your magic is full of uses....I wish I knew what mine exactly were..."[/color] Her excitment dying off for a moment as she pondered her own situation, she quickly shook her head. Quite violently in fact. She was lucky her head was attached quite well to her body, otherwise it might've fallen off. [color=f49ac2]"What else can it do?"[/color] Jasmine loved magic. She had admired mages since she was young, despite her parents.... ..... Despite protests from others. 'Mages can't be trusted' 'Mages are demons' Such things and more had been said about them. But, with the curiosity of a small child she was still drawn to it. That was when... ... When what happened? As Penny responded, Jasmine seemed to blankly stare off for a moment. Caught up on that little detail in her mind.