First I'll say is that I'm not 100% certain that I'll be making this game with as busy as I am, so it largely depends on how strong the interest shown is. From around the world a group of occultists and warlocks are called together in the city of Boston, MA, where they are tasked with investigating some otherworldly activity by a mysterious benefactor. From there they will work together, or against one another should the case be, to unravel a series of interconnected mysteries such as abductions, human sacrifice, and demonic summonings. Characters have access to a few low level magic spells themselves, but nothing more potent than your standard tracking/location magic, divinations, basic low-end telekinesis, etc. These are not full fledged wizards and masters of the mystic arts. In fact, those don't really exist at all, as humans don't have the capacity for magics much stronger than this. But what does have access to much stronger abilities, and what the occultists have access to, are demons. Now this doesn't mean the modern Abrahamic take on fire and brimstone demons hailing from the depths of Hell for eternal damnation, no. This is an older take on the concept, otherworldly beings and spirits capable of acting as guides, teachers, and minions for humans in exchange for something. Now don't get me wrong, the modern idea of the dreadful demon from Hell is a very distinct possibility (and will in fact happen) but they can be just about any kind of mystical being that survives just outside of human perception, and they are not all evil, but they are all dangerous. Each one operates on its own view of morality that is not comparable to our own. A spirit of fire doesn't burn because it's evil, it burns because it [i]has[/i] to. A dryad protects the forest above all else and cannot compromise that, whether its planting a few seeds or killing the construction workers bulldozing the trees, because it is incapable of acting any other way just as you and I are incapable of choosing not to breathe. In addition to the minor magics your occultist/warlock will have access to, they will have formed Pacts with 1-2 demons which gives them access to that creature's "Gifts." A spell, trait, or knowledge that the demon can bestow upon the warlock if they call for it. As an extension of the Pact, the warlock can also summon any demon they've made a Pact with to aid them directly. However, everything comes with a price, and no such creature will be offering their services freely. Every use of a demon's "Gift" builds up the debt a little more, and direct intervention, well, that's some costly service indeed. So the question is, how much are you willing to sacrifice to get what you want? Looking for 5-7 players to be chosen on a merit basis, I do not operate on first come first serve. Let me know if you're interested, or if you have any questions, and I'll be happy to address them. Thank you.