[img]https://i.imgur.com/wh0akBR.png[/img] [color=lightblue][i]Tane Snocur[/i][/color] [hr][@Rune_Alchemist] [indent][indent]Tane looked up from his frigid table at Eliza. She was upside down ... in her [i]normal[/i] attire. A skirt and bloused shirt, fitted with copper-looking armor and other things. She was known as the Mage Slayer of Fairy Tail, some even believed she was the next Erza Scarlet or Fairy Queen. Least, those were the rumors he had heard a year ago. Now ... now she was just Liz to him. One of few women he felt comfortable around and that in turn made her precious to him. Her bringing up the new girl made him think his discomfort was obvious. He feigned a weak smile even while his eyes were worried. [color=lightblue][b]"Yeaaa,"[/b][/color] he sighed with agitation. [color=lightblue][b]"New girl. No luck at the workshop I'm guessing?"[/b][/color] countered the Dragon Slayer. By this time he had twisted partially in his chair to stare at the newcomer, a brow raised in somewhat disgust. [color=lightblue][b]"I wish I'd get over this already. Its exhausting jumping at every high-pitched voice."[/b][/color] Which would explain why his was low and somber.[/indent][/indent]