[center][h3][color=pink]Maya Logan [/color][/h3] --------------------------[/center] [@jynmi88][@Kaesus] [@Raider Dog][@Animal] [center]Maya stood there looking at the two newest members to their little group standing by the job board. Both were girls, one with pink hair, the other red. The pink haired girl was Amelia, the red Jasper. Smiling at both of them, pointing a thumb at her chest. [color=pink]"Name's Maya. Nice to meet you both," [/color] She said cheerfully and then snapped her fingers, [color=pink]"You know I [i] am[/i] still new to this quest doing thing, so I wouldn't mind a little help. How about we all go on one?" [/color] She asked helpfully. [color=pink]"With so many wizards we can take on one of the big jobs. If we split the reward we should still all walk put with a good deal of money," [/color]She finished with a shrug of one shoulder. [/center]