[center][img=http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b635/pandapops7/RP%20ZODIAC/Daisuke_zpsfcac9f31.png] DAISUKE SOHMA 26 years old Dog of the zodiac Daisuke was raised by a teenage mother after his father left her. His real father went off and married some other woman and had a family with her, so he got his mother's last name; Sohma. Even though he would turn into a dog every time his mother held him, it didn't stop her from loving him and raising him right. When daisuke was five, his mother remarried and had another child with her new husband a few years later. His brother isn't cursed and the two get along fairly well. Daisuke is one of the nicest members of the family and he is known for his kindness, not just with them, but within the neighborhood as well. His house is the usual meeting place for the rest of his family, but Daisuke doesn't mind. While his house is small, his heart is huge and he won't turn someone away who needs a home and will sooner move out himself than refuse someone a place to sleep. He is best friends with his cousin Touya and has unlimited respect for his older relatives Mitsuru and Seijuro. He even gets along with Saiyuri the most, him being her favorite of the group.[/center]