[hr][hr][center][h1][color=662d91]Alexander Polawski[/color][/h1] [img]https://www.crank-in.net/img/db/1048373_300.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][center][b][color=662d91]Location:[/color][/b] 22 [color=662d91]Skills: [/color]None[/center][hr][hr] Feeling his heart beat furiously in his ears, Alexander let the thought of Thana shooting him with her raised gun go into his mind, promise a final rest for a man who really didn't like running, before exiting and leaving him back in the game. But now that they were all standing more or less still, the old vet was able to catch his breath slowly but surely, feeling his chest heave less with every hushed breath he took. Not that he needed to keep as quite as before, as he heard the TANK closer than before, be it because they had gotten closer or Lola had came knocking on Eden's door. Alexander listened to the Blue's plan while getting his last breath back, hoping indeed she was right that Eden was too busy with the Kiwi to notice three infiltrators inside their base. He followed her to the other side, staying crouch and trying to be as quite as possible. As he sat crouched behind her, he pondered himself over the best course of action. Personally he'd want to call in an airstrike ASAP, level some buildings and get the edenites' attention further away from them, even for the mess that usually left behind. But there was no USAAF or USMCA those days, so the Stuart would have to do. He wanted to ask either Thana, or the other group how the plan was proceeding so far, but remained silent as he waited to be asked. So far, the radio silence had yet to be lifted.