[quote=@Letter Bee] I might rejoin; posting my Character Sheet: [hider=Gwen Strong] Name: Gwen Strong Age: 35 but appears 25 Species: Mage. Appearance: [IMG]http://i65.tinypic.com/1zgqq6s.jpg[/IMG] Personality: Gwen is a protective person towards those under her care, as well as those she finds innocent, mostly Sleepers. Although adverse to Vampires and their machinations, the Mage is pragmatic enough to know that if her new organization is to survive, she needs whatever help she can get. Once a believer in the cause of the Technocracy, Gwen's disillusionment with both it and the Traditions' programmes has led her to believe that all major Mage organizations were in error to keep the Sleepers controlled, misinformed, and miseducated. Despite the good intentions of all of them, Gwen has come to the conclusion that most Magi are (unintentionally at best) preying on the Sleepers. And that must be stopped. Biography: Gwen's first memories were living a life in the streets, before being taken in by a charity in San Francisco, which later turned out to be a front for the New World Order, one of the Technocracy's Conventions. She then remembers being taken care of, and observed for the potential to Awaken; this potential was fulfilled in late adolescence. She thus became an agent for the Technocracy itself as soon as she reached legal adulthood. Stationed in San Francisco, she participated in several missions against 'Reality Deviants', clearing out several Traditions Cabals in the aftermath of the Avatar Storm. Many Mages were killed, others were captured, some to vanish from Technocracy records. Gwen, on a whim, decided to investigate the fate of those who had vanished; instead of being subjected to [i]gilgul[/i], the act of severing one's Magi soul, the vanished Traditions Magi instead had their brains used to power a new class of HITMark. This, in turn, was allowed because the project in question was ran by a secret cell of Nephandi that had infiltrated the Technocracy and were using the latter's hatred of 'Reality Deviants' to encourage corrupt and sadistic tendencies within the organization. And Gwen didn't know if her superiors had been subverted, nor was she stupid enough to act alone. So, she sought out the Harbingers of Avalon and the Friends of Courage, as well as information on the Technocracy's past as the Order of Reason. Not just that, but she also acquired and persued all the information on the Traditions and other, smaller organizations of Magi that can be accessed. This time, Gwen parsed over the information with a clear mind, trying to be as objective as possible. And it was then that she realized something about the Technocracy: It had lost its way. No, all major Mage organizations have lost their way, or never walked it in the first place. By neglecting or abusing the Sleepers, by not valuing how they and their beliefs propped up Magi, the Awakened have denied themselves Ascension. This had to stop, even if it meant committing treason to do it. But not even the Harbingers of Avalon or Friends of Courage would help her, except for a few.who were radical even for them. And so, using what contacts she can, Gwen arranged for the transfer of herself and her new 'friends' to LA, where an opportunity had appeared to form a new amalgalm (a Technocracy cell whose members were drawn from multiple sub-organizations). There, she sought out the local Vampires, and swallowed her distaste long enough to negotiate for protection from them in exchange for what services the Awakened can provide. Then, with her back covered by protection from Eva's coteire, Gwen announced her betrayal in the most blatant way possible: She and a few other Magi snuck into a secret Technocracy prison using a Correspondence portal/gate, and freed several Traditions prisoners; some which she had put in there in the first place. Barely making it back to Los Angeles with their freed captives, Gwen then released a video message proclaiming the formation of the Reborn Craftmasons, and inviting people from both the Technocracy and Traditions to flock to her banner. Surprisingly, some did, enough to encourage her in her road to war... Priscilla's Spheres are Prime (Level 4), Forces and Correspondence (Level 3), Life (Level 2), Entropy (Level 1). NPCs: Edwin Carter - A former Iteration X engineer who was disillusioned with the Transhumanist ethos of the Convention, and decided to side with Gwen; he also has the ability to create Primium, a material that negates supernatural attacks and defenses and which can harm Werecreatures like Silver can. Has Prime (Level 3), Matter (Level 4), and Forces (Level 3). Meredith Ann Mae - A former Syndicate member who joined the Reborn Craftmasons because of disillusionment with the corporate structure and monopolies taking control of everything. She believes that if there is an 'Invisible Hand' of rational self-interest driving the global economy, then it must be freed from large organizations taking advantage of it - not just governments, but corporations. Has sided with Priscilla in founding the Reborn Craftmasons' 'New Coin Initiative'. Has Entropy (Level 3), Prime (Level 3), and Mind (Level 3). Lance Joyous - A member of the Traditions' Celestial Chorus who has been won to the Reborn Craftmasons' views; God sides with the poor and oppressed, does he not? Acting as the 'Knight' of the R. Craftmasons, Lance is a bruiser who qualifies as a Special Forces soldier even [i]before[/i] using Magic. Has Prime (Level 3), Forces (Level 3), Life (Level 3), Mind and Time (Level 1). [/hider] [hider=Craftmasons Reborn/Reborn Craftmasons] Organization: The Craftmasons Reborn Origins: Several Local Traditions and Technocracy Cabals in the LA Area decided to give both organizations a big 'fuck you' and restore the Craftmasons instead. Beliefs: Where the Traditions and Technocracy went wrong was that they decided to tell the Sleepers what to think, instead of teaching them how to think. Their methods involve the stronger dictating what the weaker believed; whether it was Faith or Reason, not allowing the common people to choose for themselves, for good or for ill. After all, aren't they better? Aren't they more 'Enlightened' and 'Awakened'? Well, guess what? The common people are the ones that provide you with food, shelter, roads, and believers. They are the backbone that provides you with the necessary needs for survival so that you can 'lead and theorize' from your ivory towers. We have had enough of you putting them down as 'muscle power' or worse. And so our ideology is this: The Sleepers must be allowed to choose what shape reality takes. We can argue with them, present the facts to them, teach them how to think clearly and recognize their biases, but we can no longer coerce them. Reality belongs to the Sleepers; Meaning and Identity are as important as Knowledge. Believe it. [/hider] [/quote] Zeke and I are cool with it. :rock