I'm sticking mostly to the original setting changing characters around, and the plot will revolve around what is convenient for the roleplay. There are planned out plot points. I think making hard line plots for things like this make it heavily rail roaded. For example we will end up in an engagement against a criminal organization at one point, There will be a necromancer of some power in one of the kingdoms causing some sort of trouble, and some other things that will be relevant when we get to that point unless this ends early, or I forget or even if it changes. On an addon to my last post I feel the need to add that Claudius the Centurion wears broad dwarven steel armor. A roman styled helmet with a face mask that can be slid in front of the face. He wears a cape, and carries a shield, and short sword. The heavy tank of the group wears full heavy steel armor. It covers is whole body and he wields a pole axe. We have an assassin elf who wields twin daggers, and wears a green cloak. Just a few snippets if it helps. I intend to introduce characters with what they typically wear.