[hider=Hi, my name is Ozzy! Can I take your Coat?] So what's your name? [color=lightgreen]People call me [b]AAAAAAAhhhh![/b] But me mum calls me Ozzy Strings[/color] Why do you look like [url=http://i68.tinypic.com/1r3jsx.png]That[/url]? [color=lightgreen]So? I make and collect clothes. Doesn't matter what kind really. Boy's clothes. Girl's clothes. I like to gather them all up, chop em up, and make something new! Ooh, you mean the legs, and big booty. Yeah I got four arms, six legs. Spinsters didn't quite get the number right long time ago. Oh well. [/color] You're weird. I bet you can do some cool stuff. [color=lightgreen]Oh yeah! Definitely! Not only can I make my own thread, I can pretty much do anything with it! Make a hat! Parachute! Put on a puppet show! Lasso! Play Banjo! I've done it all with a nice thread of silk. You wouldn't believe its strong too! Oh I can climb things good but I got six legs, so that ain't surprising. [/color] So where's your home? Is it as weird as you are? [color=lightgreen]Just about really! We Spinster's stay on the ceilings of the Tangles up in the Cobwebs. It's actually pretty great up there if you don't mind getting the stuff stuck in your hair.[/color] What's your favorite candy? [color=lightgreen]You ever try any chocolate covered crickets? Crunchy and delicious![/color] Do you have any? [color=lightgreen]No. I already ate them, I'll save some for you next time.[/color] High Concept: [color=lightgreen]A true Spinster never lets anyone go cold![/color] Explanation: [color=lightgreen]It's kind of a silly saying but Spinsters have been involved in everything in the Tangle. Like spiders in the house, we're always there, helping in our own special way. Our little cousins keep out the pests, and we make sure everyone's got clothes, which somehow means we have to look out for our customers too. Yeah its kind of silly.[/color] Trouble: [color=lightgreen]Spinsters are not fans of bright lights.[/color] Explanation: [color=lightgreen]We like to stay in the shadows. Being in the spotlight, it makes me, anxious? No scared. I get really scared. And it hurts too.[/color] 1st Aspect: [color=lightgreen]I want to make friends... Even though I'm not supposed to.[/color] Explanation: [color=lightgreen]So apparently eating meat means you're not allowed to hang out with people which is nonsense. I see people below eat rats and grubs too so what's wrong with me? Sure I get some dirty looks sometimes but I'm sure people will understand the real me.[/color] 2nd Aspect: [color=lightgreen]If its a choice between Go or No, Always Go![/color] Explanation: [color=lightgreen]Sometimes there's no time to consider the consequences. Fortune favors the brave![/color] 3rd Aspect: [color=lightgreen]Everyone deserves a second chance.[/color] Explanation: [color=lightgreen]Sometimes good people do bad things sometimes. Just because they did it once, doesn't mean they are bad people so I should trust them again.[/color] [/hider]