[hider=Alarah] [color=darkseagreen]So what's your name?[/color] A name you may call me Alarah is. [color=darkseagreen]Why do you look like [url=http://oi66.tinypic.com/2w3dybl.jpg]that[/url]?[/color] Look I do as I do. Namavaren of one I am. Look as we look we do. Feathers for mate is. Hunting teeth and claws good do us. [color=darkseagreen]You're weird. I bet you can do some cool stuff.[/color] Cold I not is. Warm I like. Feathers warm not. Fly not. Ponds with bubble warm us keep. Hunt we do. Meat in ponds with bubble we keep. Bubble meat makes soft. [color=darkseagreen]So where's your home? Is it as weird as you are?[/color] Huts we live in. Huts ground and spit is made of. Ponds with bubble between them is. Warm it is. Pelts we nests make of. Mates sew us for. We hunt meats. [color=darkseagreen]What's your favorite candy?[/color] Meats I eat. Yummy mushroom is. [color=darkseagreen]Do you have any?[/color] Around ponds grow them. Yummy mushroom. [color=goldenrod]High Concept:[/color] Huntress of the clan. [color=goldenrod]Explanation:[/color] The females of the Namavaren kind are trained to be hunters from a very young age. As such, Alarah is trained to track, find and kill prey to bring meat back to her kin. This meat is then put in the springs to boil and ripe. [color=goldenrod]Trouble:[/color] Hibernates when too cold. [color=goldenrod]Explanation:[/color] Without the heat of the boiling springs or the warm, fur-lined nests of her home, Alarah's body temperature may get so low that she will start hibernating, causing her to go into a comatose like state until her body heat is back up. During this comatose state, her metabolism will go down, so she can go for several days without eating or drinking. [color=goldenrod]1st Aspect:[/color] A woman of few words. [color=goldenrod]Explanation:[/color] Namavaren do not usually speak with the words that we know. Like animals, they have sounds that each has different meanings, more like moods than an actual language. Because of this, Alarah speaks very poorly and has a hard time forming sentences. Her teeth does not make it any easier for her. [color=goldenrod]2nd Aspect:[/color] Carnivore with fast metabolism. [color=goldenrod]Explanation:[/color] Alerah eats a lot and only eats meats and certain mushrooms. She eats about eight pounds of boiled, ripened meat each day. If she does not eat her fill, she will quickly get weakened and tired. If she tries to eat vegetables, there is a high risk that she will throw them back up. [color=goldenrod]3rd Aspect:[/color] N/A [color=goldenrod]Explanation:[/color] N/A [/hider]