[hider=Colour-Sergeant Bertrand Kinsley] [center][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lnab4vEVsL1qhbarso1_1280.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Colour-Sergeant Bertrand Kinsley [b]Role:[/b] Colour-Sergeant of the XI (11th) Praetorian Guard [b]Specialties:[/b] [list] [*]Drill and Discipline, including stiffening the line and being one stubborn mule [*]Bayonet fighting [*]Marksmanship, including a high rate of rapid but accurate volley fire [/list] [b]Characteristics:[/b] You may distribute 50 points for your characteristics, each must have at least 1 point and the maximum is 10. [i]Weapon Skill:[/i] 6 [i]Ballistic Skill:[/i] 7 [i]Strength:[/i] 5 [i]Toughness:[/i] 6 [i]Agility:[/i] 5 [i]Intelligence:[/i] 5 [i]Perception:[/i] 5 [i]Willpower:[/i] 6 [i]Fellowship:[/i] 5 [b]Equipment:[/b] [list] [*]M36 pattern Lasrifle – including combat knife/bayonet [*]Laspistol [*]Grenades, Frag x2 [*]Flak Vest [*]Praetorian Uniform (A scarlet tunic with epaulettes and dark blue trousers with a vertical scarlet stripe on the outside leg, as well as the trademark pith helmet. The red sash indicates his rank.) [/list] [b]Personality:[/b] [list] [*]Stickler – Kinsley has been a Colour-Sergeant most of his life, and as such he is a stickler for the details, often citing his own pristine uniform as an example. Rust on the barrel? That's an offence. A dull combat knife? An offence. Dust on your buttons...well...you get the idea. [*]'Like a Father' – Being part of one of the most draconian Guard units ever known, the floggings and the like well known even among other formations, he found himself as the 'father figure' for many young hivers of Praetoria and took to the task with relative ease; whether it is a calming word here, a taunt to the enemy or a more personal chin wag, he is there fore his comrades. [*]Not One Step Back – There are those who are known for their steadfastness in battle, such as the Mordian Iron Guard, but when it comes to the red line of Praetoria this is often taken to the extreme. More than a few brawls have commenced over an order to retreat being ignored by the Praetorians, other regiments finding them idiotic at best and completely insane at the worst. [/list] [b]History:[/b] [list] [*]Kinsley joined the 11th Praetorian Guard when he was only eighteen years of age, earning the rank of Colour-Sergeant only four years later and becoming the youngest NCO to hold that rank in a Praetorian regiment. [*]The Yakuntine Mutiny- The Yakuntine were a feudal society of humans that had been under the watch of multiple Guard regiments for some time, being trained specifically by Praetorian instructors, until they were twisted into believing that these 'illuminators' were actually agents of the religions 'greater evil' AKA the Ruinous Powers; many members of the garrisoned regiments were murdered along with their families, and it took nearly three years to break their rebellion, with the Praetorians playing a major role in the ultimate victory of the Imperium. [*]Was involved in several campaigns across Imperial space, the 11th becoming particularly good at combating Greenskins, and Kinsley himself being awarded the Eagle Ordinary, Winged Skull and Merit of Terra for various actions. [/list][/hider]