[@Menhir][@Archmage MC][@TheIrishJJ][@Jerkchicken][@pkken][@CaptainSully] Victor was grateful that Magnus and Mark agreed with him. He really didn't want to travel alone. Although he wouldn't truly be alone with Humphrey by his side. Victor absolutely didn't want to face a horde of poachers alone either. With a smile he turned back to the door to lead the way to the docks, but was surprised to see it open on its own. He was greeted by a girl with sunglasses and a slakoth. She asked where she could find a boat. Seemed to Victor that she and her team were also heading south. "Umm the docks downtown has ferries. We're heading there ourselves if you want to tag along." Offered Victor before leading the group out of the lab and towards the docks. Once there they made sure she caught up with her group and saw them off. Then after procuring their own transport they made way for Fushia City. Along the way Victor and the others worked with their pokemon and learned a bit about them. The ferry ride was also the perfect backdrop to get a bit of writing in. It was more like notes for later or a journal, but it still felt like he was on the right track to finally writing the perfect adventure novel. Once they made landfall it wasn't much walking until they reached Fushia City, and after some asking around it wasn't long before they arrived at the Safari Zone. Magnus was the first to speak asking if they were ready. Following Mark, Victor added, "Let's do this." At the gate they were welcomed with smiling staff offering various tours of the Safari. Victor spoke up for the group. "Sorry, but we are here to meet Ranger Andrea. We were sent by the Oak Institute to help with the poaching problem." He said apologetically.