Malie waved goodbye to Team Blue (how boring!) and did an about-face as soon as they were out of eyeshot, snatching the beer out of Sweatervest's hand as she stepped past him onto the boat. Popping the top with a quiet hiss, she took her first sip and immediately spat it out into the open water. She looked back at Sweatervest who, for his part, seemed to be mostly staring at the canal like he was scared of it or something. "Dude, gross! This stuff's all, like, warm and junk. Gotta get your head in the game, man, nobody's gonna want a warm cold one. That's why we call 'em [i]cold[/i] ones, you catch me?" She waved the can for emphasis as she sat down on one of the boat's padded benches, setting her Slakoth down next to her "Dunno why you even took it if you didn't even want it, dude. That kinda thing oughta be a crime." Malie took another from her can in spite of what she was saying. It was still practically a crime, yes, but not a crime worthy of actually wasting her nonspecific canned beverage. "Anyway, man, Team Alpha Sapphire ain't gonna last if nobody has respect for each other, ya dig? So you gotta, like, quit stealin' people's drinks all the time and maybe tell me your name because I... I don't actually, uh, know who you are."