[quote=@YungTweak]I'd say silver... Maybe a bit of blue as he feels as if a higher power has designated this mission to him and that he is more important than others.[/quote] Silver and Blue are opposed motivations, since the former tends to be more about material concerns while the latter cerebral and metaphysical ones. I wouldn't disallow you choosing to combine the two, since the internal conflict may provide good material for your character, it would make playing a bit of a challenge though. If your character's prime motivation is fame and strength for their group, would this be achieved through zealous oration designed to drive people to worship the group, similar to a Prophet or Evangelist (Silver/Red path)? Or would it be achieved by acts of charity and sacrifice on the part of your character in order to Martyr themselves for the cause, or to prove that they're better than anyone else (Silver/Green)?