[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180428/81179b260873ea5d7d2bb904afb80c77.png[/img][/center][hr] [color=gray][color=#dde0c7]"As I was saying Lynx, the inn at the center of this place? [i]perfect.[/i]"[/color] Octavio´s stolen lynx familiar plodded along the town road, right behind his eccentric travelling companion. He was used to this man´s recklessness, and did nothing more than lend a pair of fuzzy ears to his schemes. Some might claim that it´s impossible for a big cat to imitate human facial expressions, and yet Lynx carried the same calm and brooding face everywhere. Or, as Octavio liked to put it, his face was the exact face of one who had just heard a bad joke. There was a nearby inn that in no way, shape, or form resembled the one Octavio was after, yet he stopped to gaze at it anyway. He read the sign and a warm grin crept throughout his face. [b]THE DOCKSIDE VIEW[/b] [color=#dde0c7]"It´s cute and smelly, like a dirty puppy."[/color] said Octavio with satisfaction. He turned to the familiar that was now seated beside him. [color=#dde0c7]"I bet you were like that as a kitten too!"[/color] he said excitedly, now reaching over to scratch the annoyed cat behind its ears. Lynx was practically immune to his teasing and was willing to put up with it if it meant the occasional pampering. His opinion on humans was generally negative, but the cat felt that hands justified their existence somewhat. If bringing along a beautiful familiar to a place full of commoners seemed like a bad idea, that´s because it was. Octavio´s plan to find this famed and beautiful inn located at the center of Shimmer Town had been going failing pretty consistently. He had a decent amount of money with him, although most of it was reserved towards using it to blend in socialite parties. The thought of having his deception funds whittle away from being spent at dirty bars sent shivers down his spine. And yet, he was very, very hungry. Octavio entered the bar with an overstated elegance. He reassured himself that Lynx would communicate if someone tried anything stupid. The man progressed without looking back. Although neither would ever openly admit it, they were two rejects who appreciated each other and had no else for company. Lynx carefully weaved through the bar patrons and painstakingly put effort into standing out enough to avoid being stepped on but not enough to call attention to himself. It was a careful balance. His owner, on the other hand, had very loudly asked for the bar´s most affordable meal. He had heard from a few sources over the other inn´s whereabouts, but had somehow not fully grasped the idea of it being controlled by a cult. His thoughts only repeated the word "money" over and over again, occasionally growing so strong that Lynx received them. Lynx [i]hated[/i] telepathic communication. Octavio stared at his food greedily and rubbed his hands together. Both of them wondered about how much it would cost to pay the lute player to shut up.[/color]