I just have to say, to everybody here at RPG, thank you for changing my life. No this isn't some retarded "KAY I'M LEAVING BBL" thread or anything, just saying thanks to RPG and to Mahs. Coming here four years ago, I couldn't spell literature or writing if you paid me, now four years later, several hundred RPs, a few even being damn good and ending in an awesome way, a few dozen friends and lots of enemies and a very defined personality later, I'm heading to college to actually be a writer, to learn the trade and one day actually get something published. If it wasn't for RPG, I'd probably be throwing my life away to McDonalds and being sued by my baby's momma for beating her when in actuality she stubbed her toe on the kitchen table and wanted to get all my money. Thank you Mahs and Thanks RPG, even you Spam bastards, for helping pave my life. Hopefully the college teachings and learneding (That's a word now.) will help me give back to this wonderful community.