Hello there. My name is TwilightShadow, but you can just call me Twilight or Twi. Two or three years ago I did a lot of roleplaying and writing but for some reason I stopped doing all of that. Lately, I've been really wanting to get back into roleplaying. The forum I used to roleplay on has gone quiet and the other forum I'm on doesn't have a strong writing/roleplaying community. I used to do some roleplays with the people on Polyvore but the Polyvore community doesn't seem to be as active as it used to be. The roleplaying on there was okay, but not great (I still wish I could finish a few of them though). So, as you can see, I've been needing to find a new outlet to unleash any creativity that may be left in me (that sounds like I'm dying. I'm not. I just haven't been feeling creative for the past two or three years. I'm hoping that being part of this community will help get rid of or cure this "uncreative spell" of mine, if that makes any sense). Anyway, sorry for the long introduction. I just wanted to make an adequate first impression where you learn a little about myself and my roleplaying history. I look forward to writing with all of you! I may be a little rusty, so go easy on me. ;)