[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180504/387921fce7e0d5e7c606822bbd3ad0a7.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/7f/57/4c/7f574c780d0d23e0cb90ee8f31584c85--online-rpg-cyberpunk.jpg[/img][/center] Filled roles: Decker: Filled Rigger: Filled Mage: Filled Adept: Filled Street Samurai(muscle): Possibly filled Shaman: Possibly filled (I mean our adept has some Shaman stuff, but it's not his primary) Face: Not filled [hider=Not necessary, but a crash course in SR lore from some Aussie thing I found] (Not going to be strict on most of this) The 6th World is a dangerous place chummer, so strap in and scan this (Very) basic summary of Aussie history. Magic returned in 2012 and everything went downhill since then. When the awakening struck, Australia was hit by a massive mana backlash. Suddenly, the already dangerous fauna turned into beings out of nightmares. Let’s start from the beginning shall we? In 2001 Megacorporations were given the ability to own land and have private armies, effectively giving themselves the power of nations. The most famous of these court cases was called the Shiawase Decision. This was the beginning of Extraterritoriality and has allowed megacorporations to spring up across the globe. In 2011, the world awoke. Children were born as creatures of legend, specifically elves and dwarves. People began to manifest magical abilities and the world went batshit quickly. Suddenly, Joe from across the street was an all-powerful magician who could shoot fireballs with the power of his mind. As I said above, animals began to express magically. Hell, even the earth did. Tasmania became alive. Like, literally. It became sentient and started to destroy Hobart and all the inhabitants. Refugees flocked to the nearby Victoria to find refuge. Mana storms plague the country, warping the laws of physics and wreaking havoc on anyone who enters. Sydney was engulfed by a permanent one and was effectively cut off from the rest of Australia and left to fend for itself, becoming an independent city state. Things only got crazier since then. Virally Induced Toxic Allergy Syndrome or VITAS was discovered in 2010, and brought the world to its knees. The disease inflamed the infected person’s lungs until they suffocated to death, ultimately killing a quarter of the world’s population.. Australia was lucky to have missed the full brunt of this disease, as the tyranny of distance kept the Virus from spreading as much as it had in the US or Europe.The disease eventually took hold of the cities, however Australia’s healthcare system managed to stop the brunt of it but at great cost. It was left broken and almost destroyed, allowing private medical services like Doc Wagon to take hold. During the April of 2012, a Mana storm formed around the city of Sydney and took root. The storm has been in place ever since that day, besieging the city and cutting it off from the rest of the country. In 2030, Sydney became its own independent city-state under a megacorporate council In 2021, Goblinisation struck. 1 in 10 people were wracked with intense pain for 12-72 hours, undergoing a horrific transformation into Orks and Trolls, the monsters from story books. People were sort of fine with cute babies, but not this. People were scared, and once more lashed out. Were they demons sent from hell? A result of some disease? Needless to say, people reacted quite poorly to this newfound condition. In the US they herded them into internment camps to be studied. The Japanese didn’t like this one bit. They withdrew from Australia and the economy was left reeling afterwards, as tourism, infrastructure and major exports were hampered. This lead to anti-japanese resentment and animosity. The Japanese powers that remained on Australia’s shores soon claimed the city of Cairns through ruthless business tactics and negotiations. In 2022, New Zealand and Australia formed together once again and became part of the Australian and New Zealand Allied Confederation. This was done to protect each other from the Japanese influences of the time, as they had recently embraced the wonders of Imperialism once more and claimed the Philippines. Then the next global crisis hit. The Internet crash of ‘29. Society had become so dependent on their network that when it crashed due to some type of super virus, everything went to hell. Millionaires lost everything, regular people lost their jobs, the IT industry almost died overnight and Australia was sent back to the Stone Age. Seeking to capitalise on this weakness, Japanese Megacorps decided to move back in, and bailed out Australia, but at what cost? Dozens of Australian megacorps became subsidiaries of the Japanacorps; most notably, Telstra became a part of Renraku. Eventually, the corporations decided to band together and create the Matrix, an online system that allowed users to connect in a 3D space instead of the old world’s 2D system. This new matrix allowed people to “Jump in” to the digital world and access it via personas and icons. A few years later, the System Identification Number was created, or SINs. They were what marked you as a person, on record and had everything about you recorded. Biometrics, Data of Birth, place of residence, passports, etc.This divided the population between those who were in the system and those who were not, the latter becoming second class citizens. Corporations and Governments were able to grant access to a SIN, making you a citizen of that Corp or Nation. It is important to note that Australia doesn’t allow Dual Citizenship, so Corp wageslaves get their everything from their parent megacorporation. Remember all that stuff about people becoming Orks, Trolls, Elves and Dwarves? Well all those racial tensions were bubbling away under the hood of society, even if the government had been quick to recognise metahumans as citizens. On the 7th of February, the Night of Rage happened, where anti Metahuman protesters clashed with Metahumans in one of the most violent nights in history. Across the globe riots had sprung up and angry and scared people became violent. Australia was no different, as so called ‘True Australians’ blamed metahuman refugees and citizens for the faltering economy and perceived weakness of the Australian Government. In 2057, Australia was hit by one of its worst droughts ever- Water supplies were monitored by the government and rationed out to the SINners. While this was par for the course for most australians who had been through a drought, the conditions only worsened and became stricter. Plants and crops died as rain ceased to fall and the lush greenery of the south eastern states began to dry up.The water smuggling industry has boomed since then, and has become a commodity fought over almost as much as nuyen. Australia eventually became a republic in 2063, after the third referendum in over 60 years was held. The newly formed republic was just in time for the Second Matrix crash, which once again left the globe reeling. [/hider] Actual required reading: The Australian Outback, 2066 a land ravaged by magical storms and awakened creatures. While most cities remain (mostly) in tact, the country as a whole is quite a bit less than stable. Much of the already less than friendly local wildlife was made even [i]less[/i] so when they awakened. Packs of Hell-dingos, massive wombats, and magically active Kangaroos just to name a few now roam the land. In the more civilized areas, safety is still less than guaranteed as two massive corporations essentially dictate what goes on within the cities. The presences of Renraku Computer Systems,and Shiawase Atomics are impossible to deny everywhere you look. From the massive corporate skyscrapers, the dozens of subsidiary companies, and even the occasional missile silo, their logos are impossible to miss. That's not to say that other Megacorps don't have any pull in the outback, but none of them have such a strong foothold. Now, rumors of some oddly armored strangers coming in and out of an abandoned silo in the less tame areas, intensifying storms, and even the possibility of a new dragon emerging has everyone in the shadows whispering. You are a Shadowrunner, part of an elite team of deniable assets contracted by megacorporations and rich individuals to do jobs that nobody else can or will. Be you a human, elf, ork, dwarf, or even a troll, you don't exist as far as society knows. Lacking a SIN (System Identification Number) or any other form of identification, you stick to the underbelly of the world with only the people you run with to back you up. To keep yourself, and them, safe...Remember the rules: Watch your back, shoot straight, conserve your ammo, and NEVER cut a deal with a dragon. [hider=Character sheet] Text color: Name: Race(humans or metahumans IE: orks, trolls, elves and dwarves, as well as certain diverging subspecies (known as metavariants) such as gnomes, giants, minotaurs, etc.): Age: Gender: Appearance: Archetype(Essentially your base class, but that doesn't lock you into certain skills or abilities): Equipment: Cybernetics: (Keep in mind that any prosthetics dull your magical abilities if you have any) Abilities, spells, etc.: (You can make stuff up so long as you describe it. Of course you also have the option of looking up the archetype abilities.) Unique skill (2 max, what truly sets you apart from others of your archetype): Personality: Bio: [/hider]