[center][u][h1]RULES[/h1][/u] - First and foremost. No godmodding. No controlling other peoples characters. Agreed interaction before hand is fine. But most of the time that takes place in a Collab post. - Where possible Collab. It just helps reduce the amount of rapid posts we get, and helps keep the RP clean. It also helps us try and keep the RP as chronologically correct as possible. - There will be battles. There will be violence. People will die. If death comes for your character, take it in your stride. Death scenes can be one of those defining moments in the RP that takes a 'A' RP to a 'AAA' RP. You are more than welcome to make another character and jump right in again. - Mine and Haley's words are law. Though we shouldn't have to use it if we all talk. [/center]