So we've got 2 potential Seekers, 2 potential Chasers, and one who hasn't chosen yet. Alright, if I throw down a character of my own that'll it make it two trios. Pretty fitting, if I'm honest. I'll work on an actual thread of some kind tomorrow most likely. It's getting late right now so I probably don't want to get started only to have to stop and go to bed. Would have responded to everyone sooner but I went to see Avengers tonight and only just got back around thirty minutes ago so... yeah. I do want to make a couple things more clear since my synopsis was kind of vague about it. This will indeed be an AU, meaning that canon characters and events will either be different or nonexistent. I'm also going to be primarily using Birth By Sleep elements (Commands, Shotlocks, etc) for character progression and skills so bear that in mind. Finally, Keyblades, I'm a little torn on how to go about using them. I know the norm is to let everyone have their character-specific Keyblades and they stick with that, but another part of me wants to keep to the theme of progression and/or escalation by having Keyblades change and evolve with each Keychain collected and added to them, similar to how the games worked. What are you guys' thoughts on that?