And here's my character - a Valkyrie no less. I'll include a list of the rest of the Valkyrie Champions later. [hider=Sigrún] [center] [hr][hr] [img][/img] [img][/img] [hr][hr] [/center] [b][color=6ecff6]Name:[/color][/b] [indent]Sigrún / "Sigri" / "Scarlett" (Human Name)[/indent] [b][color=6ecff6]Name:[/color][/b] [indent]"Valkyrie Of Light"[/indent] [b][color=6ecff6]Age:[/color][/b] [indent]600+ Years; Looks 27[/indent] [b][color=6ecff6]Gender:[/color][/b] [indent]Female[/indent] [b][color=6ecff6]Race:[/color][/b] [indent](Enhanced) Human[/indent] [b][color=6ecff6]Occupation:[/color][/b] [indent]Valkyrie Champion of Asgard / Odin's Valkyrie Guard[/indent] [b][color=6ecff6]Appearance:[/color][/b] [indent]Sigrún is a tall female Valkyrie, standing at 6'1" and weighs in at roughly 69 Kg (152 lbs) without her armor. While she looks considerably delicate, with her slim figure, pale yet fair skin, luscious blonde hair and icy-blue eyes, she wields impressive strength and power that makes her a vicious warrior on the battlefield. In her gold and cobalt armor, Sigrún presents herself as a rather large stature that makes her a rather imposing figure in battle.[/indent] [b][color=6ecff6]Training List:[/color][/b] [list] [*] [b][i]Incredible Swordsmanship & Lance-Work[/i][/b] [*] [b][i]Intense Athleticism[/i][/b] [*] [b][i]Divine Knowledge[/i][/b] [*] [b][i]Acknowledged Leadership[/i][/b] [*] [b][i]Impressive Cook[/i][/b] [/list] [b][color=6ecff6]Powers:[/color][/b] [indent]Sigrún has been enhanced by Odin to become, what he's calls, a Valkyrie, blessing the young woman with an assortment of powers that grant her a number of special abilities: [u][b]Valkyrie Physique:[/b][/u] [i]As a valkyrie, Sigrún has enhanced strength that makes her a force to be reckoned with, durability that makes her capable of surviving hits that would kill most mortals, and most notably the fact that she can fly. Indeed, every valkyrie can reveal two great pairs of wings that allow them to fly at up to Mach 1 speeds or more, depending on the circumstance and/or the user.[/i] [u][b]Light Magic:[/b][/u] [i]Every Valkyrie Champion is given an elemental ability, in which they specialize in and are to wield responsibly. In Sigrún's case, she is bestowed the power of Asgard's light, claiming her as the Valkyrie of light. She can channel this power into her weapons, most notably to her lance as she can launch beams of light per every swing and jab, as well as supercharge her shield to make it nearly impervious to dark magic for short time. Of course, she can also utilize this energy through her hands as well as her entire body herself, as her melee punches and kicks can also be infused with it, however this magic is rendered unstable in such a form.[/i] [/indent] [b][color=6ecff6]Equipment:[/color][/b] [indent] [list] [*][b]Vadgelmir:[/b] Sigrún's lance of light is enveloped in a seal of golden light, making it capable of discharging blasts of pure energy per swing and jab. It is said to be incorruptible by darkness and can determine a liar simply by touching the person in question with the tip. [*][b]Sverorden:[/b] Literally meaning “Sword of Order”, Sigrún's sword is notably used as a secondary weapon to when her lance becomes unusable or in close combat where lances would be unfit. Was created by Brokk and Sindri and presented to the Valkyrie via Odin himself. [*][b]Svalinn:[/b] Like all Valkyries, Sigrún wields a shield into battle for protection against incoming projectile weaponry. [*][b]Dagger:[/b] A short dagger to be used to cut plant-based material or carve out a monster. Can also be used as a weapon of last-resort. [*][b]Idunn apple:[/b] An enhanced golden apple provided by the goddess Iðunn (who is associated with apples and youth). By simply taking a bite out of one, one's regenerative abilities will increase significantly during battle and if eaten regularly is said to make the consumer eternally youthful. Every Valkyrie is required to take one, and only one, per battle or mission, as stated by Iðunn herself. This is simply to keep the natural growth of these apples in stable supply. [/list][/indent] [b][color=6ecff6]Airship:[/color][/b] [indent]N/A[/indent] [b][color=6ecff6]Motivation:[/color][/b] [indent]Sigrún own purpose is to serve the "All Father" Odin and his interests for all the nine realms, especially Elysia as a whole. Whilst adhering to Odin's requests towards the realms beyond, she must also do everything she can to protect Asgard from invading forces and keep the peace from within. She is to keep order around her wherever she goes.[/indent] [b][color=6ecff6]Personality:[/color][/b] [indent]Sigrún is a seasoned valkyrie who carries a great burden on her shoulders. As one of the nine valkyrie champions, specifically for Asgard in her case, she directly serves under "All Father" Odin with up most respect and dedication to his every word. She embodies the very ideals of a valkyrie warrior, a stern, valiant, and noble warrior who fights with honor and for the peace of her world wherever she is needed. While she definitely tries to keep this persona open at all times, considering her role as the leader of Odin's personal valkyrie legion, Sigrún often considers herself as the quintessential example of how a Valkyrie should act and behave. She'll be the first to oppose those who defy the "All Father" on her supervision and often bosses around both her forces and the other 8 Valkyrie Champions. In many cases, she claims her voice is akin to Odin's, although she retains her respect towards other Aesir god-figures, including Thor, his sons' Mangi and Modi, Baldur, and others. Despite her arrogant nature towards her valkyrie kin and those who appose her, Sigrún does legitimately care for those around her, although it truly varies from person to person. She will do her best to save the innocent lying in the path of danger, but there are circumstances where she places her own missions above those she is required to protect. While she strives to improve upon this notion, her arrogance continues planting her just behind her mental potential. This she never admits to Odin, as she always keeps a straight face and hiding her true emotions away from him, fearing her reputation will be sunken if she did.[/indent] [b][color=6ecff6]Flaws:[/color][/b] [list] [*] [b][i]Technotard:[/i][/b] Sigrún knows little to nothing about technology outside of her own culture - she wouldn't be able to utilize anything more advanced than a flip-phone properly. [*] [b][i]Hard-Headed:[/i][/b] Sigrún is known for being a rather hard-headed general which, while it has its perks, can make her initially unyielding to most alternative plans. If her vision of victory is misaligned with reality, it can certainly cost her in an embarrassing defeat. [*] [b][i]Arrogant:[/i][/b] Leading Odin's personal valkyrie legion, Sigrún considers herself as the most important and ideal example of a valkyrie. She keeps her faults away from her job and dares not mention them to Odin himself. [*] [b][i]Humorless:[/i][/b] Sigrún usually doesn't crack a joke around others. Even when she attempts to make one, it usually comes out as rather bland and humorless. [/list] [b][color=6ecff6]Bio:[/color][/b] [indent]In the Elysian Pantheon, out of all the different Gods it's the Norse that are the most militaristic. After all, they originated from a land far north in the remote frozen wilderness of Norway, or what the Norse Gods call the territory/realm of Midgard. Their leader is the mighty "All-Father" Odin, an old god who's incredibly wise and always grasping for knowledge wherever he can. While he is incredibly wise, he supports a vast military of cunning gods, goddesses, and strong mortal warriors, one that is said to rival the Greeks and Romans. In fact, he was able to bear some of the strongest, which include Baldur, Víðarr, Váli, Tyr, and the most famous being Thor, along with several others. Thus not only is Odin the God of Wisdom, but also of War and Death, one that nearly everyone respected and feared. Amongst his most powerful units in his disposal, outside of his own sons, he created the valkyries. They were formidable female warriors, who wielded impressive power and were able to fly via riding pegasi, with only a select few having wings strapped onto their backs. Those who had wings were known as Valkyrie Champions, the most elite in their class. Odin created the champions by watching the best female fighters fight on the battlefield. To those he sees as worthy, he gives them the chance, or in some cases forces them, the chance to join his ranks as elite warriors. In an attempt to assure their loyalty, Odin makes sure in wiping their memories clean of their old life, perhaps only living a sliver as an act of mercy. Many believe this is a rather cruel act, but Odin, being rather paranoid, assured the Pantheon that it was the only way to be sure they were loyal. He has nine of these Champions, each given a legion of pegasus knights and are stationed in one of the nine realms to protect or enforce (depending on the environment). He also gives them each a unique element to wield, depending on the realm they are stationed in. Out of all the nine Valkyrie Champions, Sigrún, the Valkyrie of Light, is considered to be the most important, as she protects the realm of Asgard. In addition, her legion is stationed directly under Odin himself, making her feel even more as if she's Odin's private and most important guards. While little of her history is known prior to become a Valkyrie, its been said that she was a courageous and fearsome warrior for a well-known kingdom. Rumors speculate that she had been in love with Helgi, son of Sigmund, despite the fact that she was to marry the son of king Granmar of Södermanland. In protest against the marriage, Sigrún sought out Helgi and they gathered an army and laid waste to nearly everyone in Granmar's kingdom. After they got married, Sigrún son Dagr, the only family member who survived the battle, wanted to avenge his father's death by killing Helgi. He sacrificed his soul to Odin who, in return wanted the woman as a Valkyrie warrior alive, gave him a spear in which to kill the hero. Horrified, Sigrún cursed Dag, forcing him to flee into the woods and have him live on carrion. Helgi was buried later that night, in which Odin arrived shortly after to collect Sigrún and turned her into the Valkyrie Champion of Asgard and erasing the memories of her past. Many consider this tale/myth as a cruel work of Odin himself, but alas its only a tale and Odin refuses to reveal any of the past history regarding any valkyrie, good or bad. No one may never know if this tale is really truthful or not... [/indent] [b][color=6ecff6]Other Valkyrie Champions:[/color][/b] [indent][b][url=]Olrun[/url][/b] - [color=fff79a]"Valkyrie Of Wind"[/color] - Alfheim [b][url=]Kara[/url][/b] - [color=silver]"Valkyrie Of Metal"[/color] - Svartalfheim [b][url=]Eir[/url][/b] - [color=39b54a]"Valkyrie Of Earth"[/color] - Midgard [b][url=]Gunnr[/url][/b] - [color=a36209]"Valkyrie Of ???"[/color] - Jotunheim [b][url=]Geirdriful[/url][/b] - [color=7ea7d8]"Valkyrie Of Water"[/color] - Vanaheim [b][url=]Hildr[/url][/b] - "Valkyrie Of Ice" - Niflheim [b][url=]Gordul[/url][/b] - [color=ed1c24]"Valkyrie Of Fire"[/color] - Muspelheim [b][url=]Rota[/url][/b] - [color=a9a9a9]"Valkyrie Of Darkness"[/color] - Helheim [/indent] [b][color=6ecff6]Theme:[/color][/b] [indent][youtube][/youtube][/indent] [/hider]