[@Dusty] [img]https://i.imgur.com/wVRh0q0.png[/img] [@Dead Cruiser] I will not nitpick about accuracy in these matters, considering what's happening in the story. A European from the medieval era is a good enough reference point. As I discussed with [@Terminal] earlier, or as he suggested, time and space becomes a little distorted in purgatory, and there is the possibility that souls are reborn in different instances. If people want to work together in a place such as this, culture becomes less relevant and the language has to be a common one. [@Fetzen]I'll have a look and get back to you. [@VeridianSeeker]Always. [@TsarDev] Great. Just remove this line: "Distribute 25 points. Maximum of a Virtue is 10. All Virtues begin at 0." And you've got 28 points a this time, so just remove 3 from anywhere and you're good to go. Also, check the character sheet in the first OOC post. The links there for the headers should be fixed. Just remove the punctuation from the [img.] tags to make them work. Post it up in the character tab after these changes. [img]https://i.imgur.com/FK5z31S.png[/img]