Jeff cringed when he saw his bullets get deflected entirely by the strange energy Zelraka produced but overall figured this was going to be the case. Seeing how the focus fire wasn't directly aimed at him yet the sage took the time to hide his crates outside the tower and leaving them suspending in the air on the lower outside portions. [color=7ea7d8]"Considering he blocked my piercing bullets, setting up the thing I used might be a tad more difficult, but we'll see."[/color] Jeff's voice spoke through the wind back to Zio's and Bruce's traveling in a way to make the sound muffled to anyone else. [color=7ea7d8]"Regardless if you have a plan I'm all ears."[/color] The sage prepared the wind to send Bruce and Zio's voices back and forth the same way he projected them, making sure to keep there voices away from the fusion's ears.