[color=silver][b]Name:[/b] Farce [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Farce is a soft-faced boy with ebon skin and seasoned clearblue eyes. He stands at a average height of 5'7", however his physique spins a tale of fierce-exercises and dedication. Deep brown hair falls around his face and tied by a thick rope-charm into a mid-back ponytail. Always ready to explore and fight, Farce wears armored legs dyed black, his waist is adorned with a ceremonial black cloak embroiled with gold stitchings; telling a past of nobility. A cobalt, feathered-collar vest over a black tank-top adorns his chest. [hider=Vestigial Light][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/OrQiCxT.jpg?2[/img][hr][i][color=#066789]"The Keyblade Farce obtained upon taking fabric from his mother's bloodied dress and wrapping it around its barren hilt. It hides a unnatural power within its blackest of blades."[/color][/i][/center] [b]Keyblade:[/b] A skeletal wee thing, Farce's Keyblade appears more-like a deftly crafted length-of-obsidian than an actual weapon. A keepsake from his past--a maroon cloth--acts as the handles wrapping. The end of said blade resonates with Farce's nobility by having an aged-visage of its three-tooth edge.[/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] A boy who knows the darkness and its malformed inhabitants, Farce is seemingly high-spirited and carefree. A scion for the heroics of Atlas the Lost Light and Master Viper, he reacts very strongly in defense of the meek. Mostly due to his own painful memories and forsaken wishes. He speak with a clear cadence, often securing the confidence of others. While being reticent and morally ambiguous whispers of the Darkness inside, its his personal sense of justice that keeps him diligently on the side of Light. His intelligence and rather monarchical mannerism puts a quick end to most conflicts. In a sense, his only true quirk is the ruthless manner in which he dispatches Heartless. [b]Backstory:[/b] The sole heir to a forgotten World and Kingdom, Farce was handed the mantle of Keyblade-wielder by a derelict of a man. At once thought to be a beggarly outsider, the man approached Farce's royal family with a single warning. [b]"Prepare, make ready for the Darkness, Your Majesty."[/b] If they had listened then many lives would had been saved. Thousands of Heartless would have never been created but they didn't. It was the work of Atlas the Lost Light--the beggar--that Farce had escaped that fate. For it was but a year earlier that he took him as his apprentice. When the storm of Darkness made landfall, it was Atlas' power and bequeathmeant that whisked him away to the Land of Departure. For two years Farce honed his skills with a single hope and prayer. When he got the chance to visit his World, after many months of searching for it, he was greeted to a realm of Darkness. Together with his Master, he swept the castle grounds of Heartless until he found the starved cadaver of his mother. Her body was limp in her pristine throne, her form a sentry of light despite its lifelessness. Not a speck of Darkness would go near her and only a tiny Heartless, wrapped in a dirty cloth rested at its edges. The scene, tearful and emotional was Farce's last voice of dissent. After that fateful day, he became much of what he is currently. When the X-Blade vanished there was no hesitation in seeking the pieces out. Master Viper had a faithful pupil in Farce the Realmless. [u][b]~Command Deck~[/b][/u] [b]Physical:[/b][list][*] Guard-Physical/Non-Elemental-Basic [*] Dodge Roll-Physical/Non-Elemental-Basic [*] Strike Raid-Physical/Non-Elemental-Basic[/list] [b]Magical:[/b][list][*] Esuna-Magical/Non-Elemental-Basic [*] Cura-Magical/Non-Elemental-Basic[/list] [b]Shotlocks:[/b] N/A [b]Command Styles:[/b] N/A [hider=Notes] [list][*]Atlas the Lost Light was a disillusion but sympathetic Keyblade-wielder. [*] Atlas saved Farce's mother, at the time, she was the last survivor of the World. [*] Farce's mother was safe from the Darkness but starved to death, hoping against all that Farce was [i]still[/i] safe. [*] Despite giving it his all, Atlas eventually fell to the Darkness. As a Heartless he was drawn to the vestiges of his Light.[/list] [center] [b]Introspection[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AB6sOhQan9Y[/youtube] [b]Battle[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0LdIZ8TWYo[/youtube] [b]Emotional[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvvFnR0kJFw[/youtube][/center][/hider][/color]