Fair enough but at no point do I think that's fair for Abel at the very least. He's had a fairly hard life, and has trust issues having been raised by rather dubious parental figures. He's rude, and arrogant but he's willing to listen to other people when they make a good point. He respects power but doesn't crave it like some anti-heroes. His ambition comes from wanting to make something of his life. He had nothing, and wants to get stronger to prove it but only of his own hands he's not willing to give into darkness to make himself better. Short cuts to him are just an bad way to end up in a bad position. All I'm saying is I designed him to follow the closed fist path of Jade Empire- http://jadeempire.wikia.com/wiki/Way_of_the_Closed_Fist -Specifically this aspect: [quote]...An evil man ignores a plea for help because he does not care, but a man on the "low path" ignores the plea because that person will survive on their own if they are strong enough.[/quote] But even then I mention that he's just as willing to throw himself in the line of fire for his friends. All I'm trying to say is I don't view him as edgy, dark, or broody. [@Double]