[quote=@OfWindAndRain] Recommended that we use Notebook.ai for organiational purposes. I've even created a universe for people to add their stuff to, if they so wish: https://www.notebook.ai/plan/universes/120032 [hider=Taybusen Commonwealth] [hr][center][img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/6f06/f/2015/066/1/7/taybuse____alien_concept_variation__3__by_orion35-d8kuko7.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][h3][color=salmon][b]Taybusan Commonwealth of Jordun[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr] [color=salmon][u][b]Race:[/b][/u][/color] Proper terms: Taybuse [singular] Taybusen [plural] Taybusian Tayb [colloquial, singular] Taybee [colloquial, plural] An alien race that externally resembles Earthen reptilians, even though they share characteristics of mammals, reptilians, and amphibians. NATURAL ATTRIBUTES: Height: 4' 6" --- 5' 9" Weight: ~175 --- ~250 Lifespan: ~55 --- ~80 Avg IQ: ~133 --- ~144 Eyes: Slit pupil, any warm color Skin: Skin is black or darker shades of grey Scale: Any color with the majority of the saturation pulled out of it; generally just 'grey.' Can be dull or shiny based on diet. Build: Lean, wiry, dense. Speed: 26mph average, 38 mph record Arms: 4 total, individually are slightly weaker than a human's, individual finger strength is superior, clawed Legs: 2 total, bipedal, designed for longer, strides, awkward during strafing movements Biology: Carbon-based lifeform, breathes higher concentrations of oxygen. Cold-blooded, can be kind of sluggish and slow in cooler environments, but grow notably more excited in hotter environments, and in situations that get adrenaline pumping. Very much a race that needs some time to start moving quickly. Diet: Requiring sugars, vitamins, proteins, etc., just like humanity, with the added requirement of an increased need for iron or other kinds of metal, and a variety of herbs that are extremely acidic given the right conditions. Special biology: Uses local homeworld herbs to produce an extremely powerful acid inside a special stomach; when consuming metals, such as iron, steel, silver, or gold, the Tayb's scale-stomach breaks down the material and uses it to grow scale. Strength, hue, and shine of scale is reliant on the metal consumed. [color=salmon][u][b]History, Abbrievated:[/b][/u][/color] The Taybee evolved on a planet that, where humanity saw more skin and fur after the extinction of large-scale reptilian creatures, such an event did not happen. Those dinosaurs that existed on the homeworld of the Taybee, in their high-oxygen environment, were never wiped out. The high oxygen content let such creatures exist easily, though evolution saw the creation of what would eventually because the modern Taybee; given twp thousand years, the Taybee ruled over their planet, and the great psuedo-dinosaurs of their homeworld only survived in reservations, as pets, exhibits, or trained warbeasts. Given another four thousand years, and the Taybee have created a competitive and capitalistic society, ruled over by a monarchy that was formed some five hundred years earlier from the five largest corporation-governments dissolving into a single, five-branched line of royalty. Surrounded with the upper echelons of lesser royalty- those who are of the ruling families of similarly powerful and large corporations- they compete for power and influence across their planets, moons, asteroids, etc. Modern-day, these fleet-minded creatures have a heavy reliance on their politics and economy, boasting an extremely robust system for both absorbing independent colonies that left the homeworld and its split governments behind many decades before, and for producing everything from industry to agriculture. Only three branches of the primary monarchy remain, whom compete each generation for their Heir to be King or Queen. [color=salmon][u][b]Government:[/b][/u][/color] Oligarchical monarchy. They rule and have rulers based on a 'royalty' and 'nobility,' though these royals and nobles are raised to such status because of their economic prosperity rather than some sort of god-given right, or might-makes-right ideal. [color=salmon][u][b]Military:[/b][/u][/color] Powerful, modern ships in moderate amounts. The vast majority of ships are freighters, and only a relative few are warships. Squadron = 5 ships Ship type list: - SDN- Superdreadnought (No ships, schematics) - Superheavy warships boasting the most guns, armor, and fleet control. - FBB- Battleship (1 squadron) - Massive warships featuring the biggest guns, and some of the heaviest armor. - FCV- Fleet Carrier (4 ships) - Extremely large warship boasting armor and launch tubes for deploying smallcraft. - FDN- Dreadnought (4 squadrons) - ECV- Escort Carrier (2 squadrons) - FHC- Heavy Cruiser (2 squadrons) - FBC- Battle Cruiser (6 squadrons) - FLC- Light Cruiser (8 squadrons) - FSC- Support Cruiser (20 squadrons) - FDM- Missile Destroyer (22 squadrons) - FDE- Escort Destroyer (30 squadrons) - FCA- Corvette (34 squadrons) - FFF- Freighters: (Ranging from century-old ships to modern, updated ships-- they have very long lifespans) - FFH- Heavy/Maxicarry Freighter - FFS- Medium 'Superspeed' Freighter - FFM- Medium Freighter - FFL- Light Freighter - FFP- Passenger liner - FFY- Pleasure Yacht Carrier-launched craft: - Gunboat (4 squadrons per FCV, 1 squadrons per ECV) - Plasma Space Fighter (8 squadrons per FCV, 5 squadrons per ECV, 2 squadrons per heavy/superheavy warship) - Shuttle (3 squadrons per FCV, 2 squadrons per ECV, 2 squadrons per heavy/superheavy warship, 1 squadron per medium warship, 2-4 per light warship) - Inter-atmospheric Multirole Fighter (3 squadrons per FCV, 1 squadrons per ECV) - Inter-atmospheric Gunship/Armed Transport (3 squadrons per FCV, 2 squadrons per ECV, 2 squadrons per heavy/superheavy warship) [color=salmon][u][b]Religion:[/b][/u][/color] None. They see the concept of faith in something they cannot test anything of to be largely foreign. [color=salmon][u][b]Specialization:[/b][/u][/color] Heavy industry: these are resourceful creatures who are intent on competitive, capitalistic expansion. Industry such as cloudscoops in orbit of gas giants, for harvesting helium-3 and other gases, orbital industry nodes for processing asteroids pushed into planetary orbit, industry nodes for constructing basic items, and shipyards are common and used often. Advanced Manufacturing: If something is hard to produce, requiring long hours of specialized craftsmen, it's going to be these guys that produce it. Given their claws, their four arms, and their thought speed, they work well with delicate processes that require an intelligent touch. Advanced machines and electronics are easier for these creatures, and it shows in their high quality and success rate with such things. Black Hole Exploitation: With excessive research, these creatures know how to exploit black holes both as a source of energy, or propulsion. They have the specifics down with both theory and experience. [color=salmon][u][b]Notable Technologies:[/b][/u][/color] [i]Faster than Light travel:[/i] - Hyperdrive: This is a moderately sized device that is used to accelerate ships on a level above realspace propulsion, such as chemical or electrical propulsion, but definitely only for interplanetary travel. Generally a percentage of lightspeed, or just slightly over [i]c[/i]. - Warpdrive: This is a moderately large device that is used to leave realspace and travel, at extremely high speeds, across a 'compressed' version of realspace. Allows for extremely fast travel, up to several times [i]c[/i]. - Foldingdrive: This is an advanced, delicate, and extremely powerful device which requires a singularity, a very large energy source, and extreme caution. Instantaneous travel, because of its ability to 'fold' realspace and cross immense distances by threading between the fold from one place to another. If unlucky, side effects will trigger: 1-9 hour period of unconsciousness, grogginess, exhaustion, temporary memory loss, shock. While it is instantaneous, it is still dangerous. [i]Drive Core[/i] - This device is similar to a shield generator and a reactor core at the same time. It projects a field around a ship, and provides propulsion via advanced and difficult technology. Drive Cores, or Drive Nodes, are used instead of thrusters, to accelerate a ship. The downside to them being contained within the hull, without needing to be placed on the rear of a ship, is that they produce more heat, require more energy to operate, and have a certain resonance to each drive node. Ships can be identified by recording this resonance. Furthermore, damage to the ship's reactors can simultaneously damage drive cores-- abrupt power loss, failure, or overcharge can damage delicate systems within Drive Nodes. [i]Anti-material Pulse Cannon[/i] - This is a somewhat simple combat design, reminiscent of a plasma weapon, with an inner containment field, a special, delicate series of field generators, and a nozzle to project the containment fields' contents out of. Layered far more heavily with armor than anything else on the ships it inhabits, its also designed to project any blast inside of it outwards- outside of its mount, there's usually a secondary shield between the turret and hull of the ship to prevent any cannon malfunctions and detonations from harming the hull. The reasoning is simple: The containment fields are used to fire tiny amounts of antimatter. The containment field briefly extends out a hundred meters from the barrel, and small particle beams arrayed around the barrel itself fire to damage shields and clear space of any stray particles, to allow for the small amount of antimatter to hit its target without detonating prematurely on space debris of any sort. [i]Quantum Engineering[/i] - The Taybee have become skilled in using quantum mechanics, from instantaneous communication nodes to quantum computing. [i]Neural Engineering[/i] - The Taybee have designed and specialized tools, both for war and economy, that uses or requires a neural uplink. Due to extensive research, such technology is stable and safe; anywhere from neural implants to allow remote, mentally-commanded access to the datanet to power armor that links with special combat implants to be controlled by the mind, the Taybee have taken great advantage of their psychology-- that is, due to having six limbs, their minds are more accepting of being able to operate more complex machines than a creature that only has four limbs.[/hider] [/quote]