Would that mean that I could get creative with my demon so to speak? Cause I intentionally had the idea for a sort of wisp like character, the ghost that terrified you before stabbing you sort of deal but I wasn't sure if I was allowed to move away from the known classes. As for the guild I honestly didn't know that I had didn't think the guild would be so pro human and pro chaos. If that was the case then my character would have more likely joined a guild of non humans that believed in justice but I would have no clue if such a guild would be allowed here. After all the title stated this specific guild so I assumed I had to be a part of it in some manner. Finally thank you for explaining that I will adjust my skills accordingly once I fully understand the situation of what my character can actually be and where he is in terms of this new world. I would rather he not be alone because he is weak a fighter and needs allies to fight with or someone to give him orders on which person to assassinate.