[quote=@Seirei No Hai] [hider=Sageblade] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/KHapWI9.png[/img] (Kado: The Right Answer) [color=ed145b][i][b]"Why hello there, could you tell me what exactly are you? I don't think I've seen the likes of you before."[/b][/i][/color][/center] [b]Name:[/b] [color=ed145b]Altari Somnus[/color] [b]Age:[/b] [color=ed145b]358 years old[/color] [b]Gender[/b] [color=ed145b]Male[/color] [b]Race:[/b] [color=ed145b]Astoriel[/color] [hider=Astoriel] [b]Culture:[/b] [color=00aeef]The Astoriel, or commonly known by human society as “Space Elves” are handsome/beautiful humanoids without the elf-like culture of tree-hugging, crystal guarding, or any of that fantasy nonsense, no. Instead, they believe that magic and science can accomplish more than what one could do in a lifetime. They have collaborated with the Fae’Rin and the other races that share the same ideal culture for their people. The Astoriel were also one of the first civilizations to exist in Elysia. Counting is one of the eldest in its generations. The Space Elves themselves have a well-established sector and are under one faction known as the [b]Astoriel Enclave[/b]. Their enclave follows a neutral path. If ever they wish to expand their Empire, they’d have to take planets which aren’t taken by an existing colony or a growing tribe. Their magitech isn’t like the Fae’Rin’s since it had a more futuristic hint to its designs. Their views on the Exalted are rather positive, seeing them as the chosen of the One, and, despite their moral alignments, welcome them to their planets as significant figures. (Unless of course they decide to be a jackass and end up conquering one of them, then it’s a completely different story.) Despite their long history; the Enclave is actually a small Empire in Elysia but have a stalwart defensive line. There is one Divine Entity that the Astoriel worship, and they call it [b]“The One”[/b]. They believe that it is the universe itself, it is Elysia itself and that they are living in its ever-growing mind. People of this faith tend to be appreciative of nature as they build their cities across as well as becoming one with them. Any Exalted that follows the belief of [b]“Oneness”[/b] are invited to join the [b]Circle of Armigers[/b], they do not discriminate so long as they have the belief. The members of the group are all Exalted, which means that they probably have a handful at most or more. The magic they teach isn’t unlike other magics taught throughout Elysia but it is a form of controlling air and gravity to their will and the weapons they use are energy melee weapons. People that have fully understood and have went through the training were known as the Sageblades whose sole purpose in life is to keep the equilibrium of Elysia. The Sageblades’ Circle of Armigers were formed sixty or so years after the demon, Oblivion, eradicated the Fae’Rin gods and sent Elysia on a universally wide witch hunt. The members of the group started with two Exalted that believes that everything that happened is the will of the One and it is a reminder that they must continue keeping equilibrium, if one is too strong there must be another to challenge it so peace will remain in the future. But even they know that history repeats itself like a cycle. [/color] [b]Racial Features:[/b] [color=00aeef]Other than them having knife-ears. The Astoriel have inhumanly longer hair with a different variety of colors except brown and black. Their eyes don’t seem to have brown and black either and they range from the Red down to Purple on the color wheel. Astoriel tend to be taller than the average human. (6’4 average).[/color] [/hider] [b]Appearance[/b] [color=ed145b]Altari is a six foot three tall space elf with ears that look as sharp as a medieval sword. He has unusually fair skin for a man and is lithe enough to able to run and execute acrobatic moves without tiring himself out on a whim. He has red eyes and long silver hair that's braided both in front and behind him that stops at his waist. Altari seems to wearing a white cloak over a form-fitting chrome-plated bodysuit equipped with a waistbelt that holds his PDA, revolver and beam katana hilt on every hooked side. As for footwear, he seems to be wearing sandals underneath. [/color] [b]Occupation/Concept[/b] [color=ed145b]Sageblade - Demon Hunter[/color] [b]Training:[/b] [list] [*] [color=ed145b]Armiger Sageblade Training[/color] [*] [color=ed145b]Athletics[/color] [*] [color=ed145b]Acrobatics[/color] [*] [color=ed145b]Energy Weapons[/color] [*] [color=ed145b]Multilingual Education (Ancient Texts and Symbols)[/color] [*] [color=ed145b]Piloting[/color] [*] [color=ed145b]Airship Maintenance[/color] [/list] [b]Powers:[/b] [list] [*] [color=ed145b]Air Blast - A burst of air that can push a group of people or objects when thrusted with palms open.[/color] [*] [color=ed145b]Air Vacuum - The sudden pulling of one person or object as if the air is being suctioned towards one location[/color] [*] [color=ed145b]Concentrated Constriction - Pocketing the air towards someone from several directions, similar to choking someone.[/color] [*] [color=ed145b]Chain Lightning - Shoots a long stream of lightning that can be conducted toward a line of people or metal object, can be casted with two hands.[/color] [*] [color=ed145b]Mind Invader - A power that can wipe a person’s mind and replace it with something else. This is only effective on Non-Exalted people.[/color] [*] [color=ed145b]Drain - A power that can be seen as similar to the unknown demon magics. The drain ability is self-explanatory it drains any being weaker than he to reinvigorate himself. [/color] [/list] [b]Equipment:[/b] [list] [*] [color=ed145b]Universal Translator Implant (Implanted)[/color] [*] [color=ed145b]Enclave-brand PDA[/color] [*] [color=ed145b]Red crystal infused beam katana [/color] [*] [color=ed145b]Fae’Rin Mana Revolver (Holy Weapon) [/color] [*] [color=ed145b]Astoriel Magitech Suit (Further improved with Demon Remains)[/color] [*] [color=ed145b]Standard First Aid Kit[/color] [*] [color=ed145b]Holo-Ledger[/color] [/list] [b]Airship:[/b] [hider=Cosmos Strider] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/RYSzhoS.jpg[/img] (b_freak_xd)[/center] [/hider] [b]Motivation:[/b] [color=ed145b]Altari Somnus’s motivation is to completely understand the magic that the demons have been using in their time on Elysia, wreaking havoc wherever they go. Altari believes that the only way to truly defeat them is to understand what they are trying to do, there is little to no information on demonic magic and weapons and it is his sole duty (and interest) to study the demons’ ways in hopes that he could one day publicize it to the Elysian public and put a stop to the threat once and for all. Such a dream is impossible for someone with a short lifespan. Space Elves can take as long as they want.[/color] [b]Personality:[/b] [color=ed145b]Altari Somnus is a curious sort. For an Astoriel to live three hundred and fifty eight years to protect the balance as a Sageblade, it’s weird not to be curious about his particular assignment. Upon meeting new people or sentient beings that could talk with their mouths or telepathically, Altari disregards all manner and form of respect and get into the interrogative stance of asking what they do for a living, what they are, what they believe and how they’re feeling as of the moment. He records them on his Holo-Ledger and then proceeds to tell them based on his opinion, most of them very blunt and offensive, however he makes up for it in the form of apologies. Altari is curious but he isn’t stupid. If he sees a dangerous bunch he’ll know when to steer clear or to engage them, depending on his combat readiness or the people he’s bringing with him when approaching a hostile being, he’s bound to make the right call most of the time. This especially applies if he’s hunting demons with a party.[/color] [b]Flaws:[/b] [list] [*] [color=ed145b][s]Blunt.[/s] Very Blunt.[/color] [*] [color=ed145b]Dense[/color] [*] [color=ed145b]Sensitive Ears when grabbed[/color] [*] [color=ed145b]Tends to get sidetracked to something more interesting[/color] [*] [color=ed145b]Has zero attention for the time of day[/color] [*] [color=ed145b]Closet Sadist[/color] [*] [color=ed145b]Tends to haggle[/color] [/list] [b]Bio:[/b] [color=ed145b]Altari Somnus was born into an Enclave world bordering between a Confederate and an Ascendant one. Thus, their planet always seems to be a mediator between the three factions. Altari’s family came from a long line of Sageblade culture, it’s always in their blood. One or two of the family members tend to become Exalted and follow the One’s will to bring balance to Elysia and a rarity if three. Altari was Exalted upon birth and was invited to the Circle of Armigers as soon as he was able to walk. The training and magic practice he was taught at the Circle were far from the word: “easy”. Sageblade training is just like any other training brought in by military expertise and for one as young as him it was tiring and pressurizing, yet Altari knows that the One chose him to be Exalted, why else would he had been given such a great gift at birth? It is rare to be Exalted among the populace in the Astoriel colonies, with this mind, he learns to be steadfast and endures what to come. Upon completion of his training, he became the youngest Sageblade at eighty years old and was known throughout the colonies as “Young Squire” in the Circle of Armigers. One night, he had received a message from the One. A responsible tasked assigned to him by the great entity himself, feeling honored, he became a self-employed Demon Hunter, travelling from world to world from the rumors and sightings of demons about. Of course every single encounter was not the best day for him, for he had to conduct strategies that only he could do against a demon’s unpredictable moveset. There is a silver lining to this, with every demon he killed while barely standing, his title as the Demon Hunter was spread as influence across Elysia that some of the systems had decided to open up branches for that very profession. While it is a job where death has a high rate of catching up to you, it does pay well. Altari first heard about its official occupation on a moon diner near his home world. He thought that if someone like him had made the occupation popular by risking his neck to kill a bunch of demons threatening small towns, villages and cities. Then he could probably share information about demons that no one had thought to publicize. Of course what sounded easy in his head became controversy in reality. Those who aren’t as open-minded as the Astoriel Faith of “Oneness” branded Altari’s studies as heretical, thus showing a significant decline in Demon Hunter branches the moment social media boomed all about it. Of course the profession wasn’t dead. Some people still seek the thrill and glory of killing a demon with their own hands. Perhaps one day when people aren’t so scared and hectic about it.[/color] [b]Extra Info:[/b] [color=ed145b]Altari Somnus keeps a body part of the demons he killed in his Airship, some of them trophies he won’t sell and most of them to be crushed and made into possible upgrades to his equipment.[/color] [hider=Astoriel Magitech Suit] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/IRfBmt5.jpg?1[/img][/center] [/hider] [hider=Fae'Rin Mana Revolver] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/knVG2ar.jpg[/img] (Overwatch)[/center] [/hider] [hider=Beam Katana] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/9iIui3L.png[/img][/center] [/hider] [b]Dragon Blooded [/b] [/hider] [/quote] Altari has been approved. Bout time we had a demon hunter. You're going to have alot of fun dealing with some of your companions! I also like your culture. Since they still may be a driving force, I might add them as an stellar empire. Deeply spiritual and probably not actively expansionist. Theres a sci fi race from Babylon 5 that is similar.